
This website was made to fulfill our group assignment for the Platform-based Programming Course [CSGE602022] using Django and Flutter in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia.

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Group Assignment E01

Platform-based Programming Course [CSGE602022] with Django and Flutter
Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia
Odd Semester 2021/2022

Group Members

  1. Setasena Randata Ramadanie (2006482792)
  2. Marthin Daniel Theo Gratia (1906306786)
  3. Bimabara Sukma Muryanto (1906318893)
  4. Muhammad Faras Baginda (1906398673)
  5. Alfina Azaria (2006482773)
  6. Bima Sudarsono Adinsa (1906399083)

HerokuApp Link


About BookMePlease

The COVID-19 pandemic that has shocked the world has forced people to move towards the digitalization era. This also implies that all activities cannot be done offline, but online. Of course, as human beings, we need social interactions. Thus, spending time at home can be a challenge at times. Laziness to boredom quickly haunts us. Therefore, our group will create a solution to overcome boredom during the pandemic by creating a website called BookMePlease. BookMePlease is a website that provides interesting book recommendations, according to the preferences of each user. BookMePlease presents a variety of genres, allowing users to explore the book they want to read.


  1. Page Register Form + Login User
  2. Page Form genre book interest
  3. Page Form User Profile details
  4. Page Form Rekomendasi Buku
  5. Form Trivia Quiz
  6. Form Comment about this Book
  7. Landing Page
  8. Explore Page


  • Book Recommendations
  • User's Wishlist
  • Profile

User Persona

1. Admin

The admin is in charge of taking care of user authentication and authorization. Admin also verifies the book recommendations given by users who have accounts. When the book recommendations have been verified by the admin, the recommended books will appear on the landing page.

2. Users with Accounts

Users who have accounts can fill out book recommendation forms, get book recommendations based on their own preferences, and create their own book wishlists.

3. Users with Account

Users who do not have an account can only see book recommendations based on their genre on the landing page.