
An annotation processor library for Uri building and parsing routines.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Boring YURI

Boring Yuri (pronounced as 'bɔːrɪŋ júrij) is a humble guy who knows how to do his boring job. And his job is to deal with the Uri routine. This job has a little fun, but someone has to do it. So Boring Yuri is at your service.

This is a source code generation library that provides a simple annotation-based API to convert your objects into Android Uri or to restore the objects back from the Uri. The API itself was inspired by popular annotation-based libraries Retrofit and Gson, but, unlike them, Boring Yuri does all the job on the compile time and the purpose of the library has a little in common with them.


Basic example

Here is a simple HTTP URL to build:


Usually you have to create a Uri.Builder and provide URL scheme, authority, path, query parameter names and the values.

Uri uri = new Uri.Builder()
        .appendQueryParameter("name", "John Doe")
        .appendQueryParameter("phone_number", "+15417543010")

There is nothing complicated at first sight, but when there comes more URIs to build with many more different paths and query parameters, when you need to ensure the parameters you pass are not null and that they are correctly converted into String, it becomes much more complicated. Instead of dealing with Uri API directly it would be more comfortable to work with application types and to have some helper that can properly convert them for you and put them into an appropriate part of the Uri.

All you need is to declare an interface, annotate it with @UriFactory, declare a Uri builder method and map the method parameters to the query parameters:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority="example.com")
interface UserUriBuilder {

    Uri buildUserUri(
            @Param("name") String name,
            @Param("phone_number") String phoneNumber);


Which generates:

class UserUriBuilderImpl implements UserUriBuilder {

    public Uri buildUserUri(String name, String phoneNumber) {
        Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder()

        if (name != null) {
            builder.appendQueryParameter("name", name);
        if (phoneNumber != null) {
            builder.appendQueryParameter("phone_number", phoneNumber);

        return builder.build();


so calling the following:

UserUriBuilder builder = new UserUriBuilderImpl();

builder.buildUserUri("John Doe", "+15417543010");

gives you https://example.com/user?name="John%20Doe&phone_number=%2B15417543010"

Variable path segment

When a URI needs a variable path segment (or several variable segments) there is @Path comes to your rescue. To build a URI that fetches a user details by the id set as the last path segment:


You need to annotate the appropriate method parameter with @Path:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority="example.com")
interface UserUriBuilder {

    Uri buildUserUri(@Path("id") int userId);


Which generates:

class UserUriBuilderImpl implements UserUriBuilder {
    public Uri buildUserUri(String name, String phoneNumber) {
        Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder()


        return builder.build();

@Path can be used with as many method parameters as you need. You should just provide a path segment name in the @UriBuilder base path. The segment name can be specified either in a value() parameter of @Path or a method parameter name can be used. The order of the path method parameters doesn't matter so you're free do define them as you like:

    Uri buildUserUri(@Path("id") int userId, @Path String group);

In the example above id is explicitly named path segment, group is implicitly named (i.e. method parameter name is used) and the order of the method parameters differs from the order of the segments in the base path. So calling builder.buildUserUri(42, "students") will give you https://example.com/user/students/42.

IMPORTANT: if you use code obfuscation and do not provide a name in @Path or @Param annotations explicitly, the name of the path segment or query parameter won't be obfuscated, but the method parameter name will. This happens because the obfuscation step is executed after the annotation processing step where method parameter names are transformed into the names of the query parameters or path segments. It is still highly recommended to specify these names explicitly in @Path and @Param annotations in order to make sure somebody won't refactor the code and break the contract with the receiver's side accidentally (eg. back-end may still expect the old query parameter names).

IMPORTANT: @Path method parameters can not be nullable. They must be explicitly annotated with @NonNull in Java or must have a non-nullable type in Kotlin. The only exception when a @Path method parameter can be nullable is when it has a @DefaultValue. This technically makes the path segment itself non-nullable, but allows to have a nullable parameter in a method signature.


Boring Yuri knows how to convert primitives, primitive wrappers, String and Uri to a path segment or a query parameter. But sometimes it's not enough and we have to deal with application specific, platform or library types.


It is allowed to have @Param method parameters of an array type. The Uri will contain query parameters of the provided name for every non-null array element:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority="example.com")
interface UserUriBuilder {

    Uri buildFetchUserDetailsUri(@Param("id") int[] ids);


So calling foo.buildFetchUserDetailsUri(new int[] { 42, 24 }) will build https://example.com/user?id=42&id=24.

NOTE: the array rule is not applicable for query parameters of List, Set or any other Collection and a custom type conversion must be defined.

NOTE: unlike @Param method parameters @Path of an array type are supposed to have a custom type conversion defined.

Application specific types

If you want to use the same application specific type conversion for every Uri, you need to annotate the class with @TypeAdapter specifying a BoringTypeAdapter implementation as an annotation value so Boring Yuri can understand how to convert the object of this type into a String that is expected on the receiver's side.

class User {

    private final int id;

    private final String name;

    public User(int id, String name) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;


Let's say we need to pass User's id and name as a single query parameter joined with a semicolon:

class UserTypeAdapter implements BoringTypeAdapter<User> {

    public String serialize(@NonNull User user) {
        return user.getId() + ";" + user.getName();

    public User deserialize(@NonNull String serialized) {
        String[] userData = serialized.split(";");

        return new User(Integer.parseInt(userData[0]), userData[1]);


So so now we're safe to use User in a method parameter of a Uri builder method:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority="example.com")
interface UserUriBuilder {

    Uri buildUserUri(@Param("data") User user);


And calling builder.buildUserUri(new User(42, "John Doe)) will give you https://example.com/user?data="42%3BJohn%20Doe", where %3B is a url encoded semicolon ;.

Platform or Library specific types

When you're not able to annotate a custom class with @TypeAdapter because it does not belong to your codebase, it is possible to specify the adapter at use:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority = "maps.example.com")
interface LocationUriBuilder {
    Uri buildGeocodeUri(
            @TypeAdapter(CoordinatesTypeAdapter.class) Pair<Double, Double> coordinates);


So if the type adapter is:

class CoordinatesTypeAdapter implements BoringTypeAdapter<Pair<Double, Double>> {

    public String serialize(@NonNull Pair<Double, Double> coordinates) {
        return coordinates.first + "," + coordinates.second;

    public Pair<Double, Double> deserialize(@NonNull String serialized) {
        String[] coordinates = serialized.split(",");

        return Pair.create(Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]), Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1]));


Calling builder.buildGeocodeUri(Pair.create(53.893009, 27.567444)) will give you https://maps.example.com/maps/api/geocode?latlng=53.893009,27.567444

NOTE: specifying @TypeAdapter at use will override the standard type conversion (eg. if you need a different decimal format for a number).

If a query parameter is an array of any custom type (application, library or platform specific), there must be provided a @TypeAdapter for the array component type, not to the array itself:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority = "maps.example.com")
interface LocationUriBuilder {
    Uri buildGeocodeUri(
            @TypeAdapter(CoordinatesTypeAdapter.class) Pair<Double, Double>[] coordinates);


In the example above CoordinatesTypeAdapter defines the type conversion rules for Pair<Double, Double>, not to an array of Pairs.

For path segments though, a @TypeAdapter must be defined for the array itself, not just for the array component type.

Constant query parameters

When the parameter value doesn't changes from one build to another, but it is expected to be set on the receiver's side, Boring Yuri has a bunch of annotations for constant query parameters. For example we need to tell the REST service if the client has a geolocation sensor and to provide a zoom level of the requested static map:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority = "maps.example.com")
interface LocationUriBuilder {
    @BooleanParam(name = "sensor", value = true)
    @DoubleParam(name = "zoom", value = 2.5)
    Uri buildStaticMapUri(@Param("lat") double latitude, @Param("lng") double longitude);


So calling:

builder.buildStaticMapUri(53.893009, 27.567444);
builder.buildStaticMapUri(37.773972, -122.431297);

will give two Uri's accordingly:


NOTE: one Uri builder method may have many constant query parameters of the same type.

It is allowed to define two or more constant query parameters that have the same name if they are of the same type:

@UriFactory(scheme = "https", authority = "example.com")
interface LocationUriBuilder {
    @StringParam(name = "type", value = "photo")
    @StringParam(name = "type", value = "video")
    Uri buildMediaSearchUri(@Param("query") String searchQuery);


So calling:

builder.buildMediaSearchUri("Cute Cats");
builder.buildMediaSearchUri("Yawning Sloths");

will give Uris for searching both photo and video by two different search queries:


NOTE: constant query parameters of a builder method can not have the same name if they are of different types (eg. one is a @StringParam and the other is a @LongParam).

Deserialize data from Uri

Sometimes, working with Uri, you may need to restore query parameters and path segments from the given Uri and convert them into appropriate types. This often happens when your application have its own ContentProvider, so it becomes a receiver of the Uri.

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority = "boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface ContactUriBuilder {

    Uri buildContactPhotoUri(
            @Path String group,
            @Path long contactId,
            @Param("desired_dimensions") @TypeAdapter(RectTypeAdapter.class) Rect desiredDimens);


Adding @WithUriData to the builder method will generate a data class:

class ContactPhotoUriData {

    private final Uri dataUri;

    private String group;

    private long contactId;

    private Rect desiredDimens;

    public ContactPhotoUriData(@NonNull Uri uri) {
        this.dataUri = uri;

    public String getGroup() {
        // obtains 'group' from dataUri.getPathSegments().get(2)

        return group;
    public long getContactId() {
        // obtains 'contactId' from dataUri.getPathSegments().get(3) and converts String to long

        return contactId;

    public Rect getDesiredDimens() {
        // obtains 'desiredDimens' from dataUri.getQueryParameter("desired_dimensions")
        // and uses RectTypeAdapter#deserialize() to create a Rect instance from String

        return desiredDimens;


So in your ContentProvider you can just create an instance of ContactPhotoUriData and work with the data it provides as if it is already parsed for you into an object of the appropriate type.

class BoringContactProvider extends ContentProvider {

    public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(@NonNull Uri uri, @NonNull String mode) {
        ContactPhotoUriData data = new ContactPhotoUriData(uri);

        String group = data.getGroup();
        long contactId = data.getContactId();
        Rect desiredDimensions = data.getDesiredDimens();
        // here you may use 'group', 'contactId' and 'desiredDimensions' do create
        // a ParcelFileDescriptor for the requested contact photo.


Constant query parameters defined in the builder method are provided in the generated data class as well. But because they can't be changed, there is no actually reading them from the given Uri. The getter method instead just returns a constant value defined in the specific annotation:

@DoubleParam(name = "zoom", value = 2.5)
Uri buildStaticMapUri(@Param("lat") double latitude, @Param("lng") double longitude);

For the builder method above there is a data class:

class StaticMapUriData {

    public double getZoom() {
        return 2.5;


If there are two or more constant query parameters that have the same name and type, they can be obtained from the data class as an array of this type:

@StringParam(name = "type", value = "photo")
@StringParam(name = "type", value = "video")
Uri buildMediaSearchUri(@Param("query") String searchQuery);

So for the builder above there'll be a data class:

class MediaSearchUriData {

    public String[] getType() {
        return new String[] { "photo", "video" };


Independent Uri data class

There are some cases when you may need to have a Uri data class that is not attached to a specific builder, but it is, let's say, "independent". For example:

  • You want to have a data class that knows how to parse Uri correctly, but you don't need a builder.
  • You have two or more builders that produce Uri's of a similar data (eg. they have the same set of query parameters) so you would like to have a data class of the same type to work with these Uri's.

If you think that an independent Uri data class will work better for you, then define an interface with getters for each of the path segments or query parameters that you need to obtain from the Uri. Annotate these getters with @Path or @Param as if there was a builder method for them and add @UriData to the interface:

interface ContactPhotoUriData {

    String getGroup();

    long getContactId();

    Rect getDesiredDimens();


For this interface you'll have a generated implementation similar to the one for @WithUriData with the only difference that it also implements ContactPhotoUriData.

NOTE: @UriData may have a base Uri path with placeholders for segments, similar to the one in @UriBuilder. If the same data class is used for two or more different Uris, the wildcard * can be used to replace the constant path segment that varies in these Uris. Example:

public interface UserData {

Which means that the same UserData implementation can be used to parse data from /user/friend/42 and from /user/colleague/24.

If the base path is empty in @UriData, it means the first variable path segment will be expected to be in the very first position after the authority of the Uri. Example:

public interface UserData {

    long getId();

Here the path segment id can be parsed from content://com.example.provider/42 using the UriData class, but can not be parsed from content://com.example.provider/user/42.

IMPORTANT: the cost of the "independence" is that you have to manage manually the type consistency of the builder method parameters and the getters of the data class (if you have the builders of course). @WithUriData does it for you since there is one source of truth: the builder method in the factory interface.

Inheritance in Uri data

When two independent Uri data classes may have common properties, it is possible to use interface inheritance in order to avoid defining same query parameters and path segments in multiple files. Besides inheritance can also be used to generate data classes not only for descendants, but also for ancestors, so it could be possible to parse the data partially without knowing a concrete type of the Uri data.

For example we could to have Uris for Images, Video and Sounds. All three types may have id, mediaType and fileSize. Some of the properties may be common only for the two types out of three, eg. Images and Video may have a thumbnail and Sound and Video may have a duration. And finally some of the properties could exist only for the specific types, eg. Sound may have genre and Image may have a description.

So we may create a base Uri data interface FileData:

public interface FileData {
    long getId();

    String getMediaType();

    long getFileSize();

Then we create a base interface for Image and Video which is called MediaData:

public interface MediaData {
    Uri getThumbnail();

And a base interface for Video and Sound which is called PlayableData:

public interface PlayableData {
    long getDuration();

Now we may define the concrete interfaces for Image, Video and Sound:

public interface ImageData extends MediaData, FileData {
    int getDescription();

public interface VideoData extends MediaData, PlayableData, FileData {


public interface SoundData extends PlayableData, FileData {
  String getGenre();

Now if we have three Uris for each of the file types:

1. content://com.example.provider/image/42?mediaType=image%2Fjpeg&fileSize=100&desc=Some%2BDescription&thumbnail=path_to_thumb
2. content://com.example.provider/video/24?mediaType=video%2Fmp4&fileSize=400&duration=300&thumbnail=path_to_video_thumb
3. content://com.example.provider/sound/22?mediaType=audio%2Fogg&fileSize=150&duration=400&genre=rock

To obtain all properties for the Uri #1 a generated ImageDataImpl can be used. For #2 and #3 it's VideoDataImpl and SoundDataImpl respectively. But if we know there is one of these three Uris and we don't care about the type specific properties, but we only need to obtain a mimeType and id, we may use FileDataImpl and it will work just fine.

NOTE: generated classes SoundDataImpl and VideoDataImpl do not inherit neither PlayableDataImpl nor FileDataImpl, but only the interfaces.

If a parent interface doesn't need to have a generated data class, because it's only used to specify common query parameters and path segments, then just omit the @UriData and all the property getters will be generated in the specific implementation anyway.

Default values

When a builder method parameter is supposed to be nullable, but you need to provide some fallback value when it is null, you may use @DefaultValue. In this case the receiver will always have some non-null value in a query parameter or in a variable path segment.


    Uri buildUserUri(@Nullable @Param("id") @DefaultValue("d14bee5") String userId);

Calling builder.buildUserUri(null) gives you /user?id=d14bee5, when calling builder.buildUserUri("abc") gives you /user?id=abc.

The @DefaultValue also works for reading the data via associated or independent data class. If a query parameter wasn't provided in the Uri and it's supposed to be @NonNull, instead of NullPointerException the getter will return the specified default value. When a query parameter is supposed to be @Nullable in the builder, but provided with a @DefaultValue, the associated getter method becomes @NonNull:

    Uri buildUserUri(@Param("id") @DefaultValue("d14bee5") String userId);

For this builder method UserUriData class will be generated. And calling new UserUriData(Uri.parse("https://example.com/user")).getUserId() returns d14bee5 even if the Uri doesn't have any query parameters at all. It works exactly the same in independent Uri data classes.

The @DefaultValue can also be used when a query parameter or a path segment have a value that is incompatible with the associated getter of a primitive (or a primitive wrapper) type.

For example you have an independent UserData with id of type long:

interface UserData {
    long getId();


But for some reason the Uri you're trying to process with this data class has id of String:

Uri uri = Uri.parse("https://example.com/user?id=d14bee5");
UserData data = new UserData(uri);

long id = data.getId(); // id == 42 

Since d14bee5 in the Uri can not be parsed to long, the specified default value will be returned. Of course normally this should never happen if your app is both a producer of the Uri and a receiver of the Uri, but when you're a client of some API, it's better to have some predictable result when you parse the data.

NOTE: @DefaultValue allows you to have a @Nullable path segment method parameter:

    Uri buildUserUri(@Nullable @Path("id") @DefaultValue("d14bee5") String userId);

So calling builder.buildUserUri(null) gives you /user/d14bee5, when calling builder.buildUserUri("abc") gives you /user/abc.

IMPORTANT: The value specified in the @DefaultValue must be correctly serialized for a specific type of a method parameter or a getter method, otherwise you may have an incorrect or unexpected result. For the types that require a custom type conversion the default value must be serialized according to the rules of the specified TypeAdapter.

If you have a type adapter that serializes latitude and longitude joining them with a comma:

class LocationTypeAdapter implements BoringTypeAdapter<Location> {

    public String serialize(@NonNull Location location) {
        return location.getLatitude() + "," + location.getLongitude();


So for a builder that uses Location as method parameter the default value should be like 53.893009,27.567444.

    Uri buildStaticMapUri(@Nullable @Param @DefaultValue("53.893009,27.567444") Location location);

Matching URIs in Android ContentProvider

Quite often in Android we use Uri to deal with ContentProvider. And in ContentProvider it is widely used a utility called UriMatcher. This utility does a fast search among the set of the Uris handled by the same ContentProvider and returns an integer code when the Uri is matched.

Creating a UriMatcher and setting it up is quite a boring routine that includes defining an integer constants for every Uri that can be handled by the specific ContentProvider and adding all possible matches of the Uris with these UriMatcher codes:

public static final int PHOTO_CODE = 100;
public static final int THUMB_CODE = 200;
public static final int BACKGROUND_CODE = 300;

UriMatcher matcher = new UriMatcher(NO_MATCH);
matcher.addURI("boringyuri.sample.provider", "file/photo/*/#", PHOTO_CODE);
matcher.addURI("boringyuri.sample.provider", "file/thumb/*", THUMB_CODE);
matcher.addURI("boringyuri.sample.provider", "file/background/#/#", BACKGROUND_CODE);

So now in the ContentProvider you may understand which file is requested to open, for example:

class BoringFileProvider extends ContentProvider {

    public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException {
        switch (matcher.match(uri) {
            case PHOTO_CODE:
                // find a photo file for the requested Uri and return it as a file descriptor
            case THUMB_CODE:
                // find a thumbnail file for the requested Uri and return it as a file descriptor
            case BACKGROUND_CODE:
                // find a background file for the requested Uri and return it as a file descriptor

Boring Yuri can automate creating and setting up a UriMatcher for every @UriFactory with a bunch of annotations: @WithUriMatcher, @MatcherCode and @MatchesTo. @WithUriMatcher indicates the given @UriFactory requires a UriMatcher. @MatcherCode and @MatchesTo create a mapping of the Uri to the matcher code:

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface UserProviderUriBuilder {
    class Contract {
        public static final int REGULAR_USER = 100;
        public static final int ADMIN_USER = 200;

    Uri buildRegularUserUri(@Path("id") long id);

    Uri buildAdminUserUri(@Path("id") long id);

This setup will create you a UserProviderUriMatcher that has all the Uris with the @MatcherCode annotations mapped to the code values in it. Variable path segments from the @UriBuilder are replaced with either # or *, depending on the method parameter type.

addURI("boringyuri.sample.provider", "user/colleague/#", 100);
addURI("boringyuri.sample.provider", "user/admin/#", 200);

If the ContentProvider handles a lot of Uris, sometimes it is difficult to maintain a large number of the matcher codes, so it is easy to make a mistake defining two different constants with the same value. To prevent the matcher codes collision it is recommended to use @MatchesTo instead of @MatcherCode. In @MatchesTo you can provide just the matcher code's constant name and Boring Yuri will create a constant with a unique value so it will never collide with another matcher code.

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface UserProviderUriBuilder {
    Uri buildRegularUserUri(@Path("id") long id);

    Uri buildAdminUserUri(@Path("id") long id);

The generated constant will be added as a nested class of UserProviderUriMatcher:

class UserProviderUriMatcher extends UriMatcher {
    public static class MatcherCode {
        public static final int REGULAR_USER = 1;
        public static final int ADMIN_USER = 2;


If the name is repeated in a single factory, it means the two Uris will be mapped to the same matcher code:

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface UserProviderUriBuilder {

    Uri buildRegularUserUri(@Path("id") long id);
    Uri buildAdminUserUri(@Path("id") long id);

So both Uris built with buildRegularUserUri() and buildAdminUserUri() will have the same matcher code:

Uri colleagueUri = builder.buildRegularUserUri(100);
Uri adminUri = builder.buildAdminUserUri(200);

matcher.match(colleagueUri) == matcher.match(adminUri) == MatcherCode.CODE_USER

If the matcher code name is duplicated in two different factories, they are going to be two different constants:

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface BackgroundUriBuilder {

    Uri buildColorBackgroundUri(@Path int color);

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface ColorUriBuilder {

    Uri buildColorUri(@Path int red, @Path int green, @Path int blue);


In this case two matcher codes with the same name CODE_COLOR will belong to different UriMatchers, so their values won't be the same:

class BackgroundUriMatcher extends UriMatcher {

    public static class MatcherCode {
        public static final int CODE_COLOR = 1;

class ColorUriMatcher extends UriMatcher {

    public static class MatcherCode {
        public static final int CODE_COLOR = 2;

Uri backgroundUri = backgroundBuilder.buildColorBackgroundUri(0xffff0000);
Uri colorUri = colorBuilder.buildColorUri(255, 0, 0);

backgroundMatcher.match(backgroundUri) != colorMatcher.match(colorUri)

IMPORTANT: The value in @MatchesTo annotation may contain only valid symbols for a java variable as it's going to be used as a name of the constant, so it may only start with a letter and may contain only alphanumerics and underscores. The given String will be upper cased in order to comply with the java code style for static constants.

Disable URI matching based on a build type or a flavor

In some cases there might be needed to have a Uri that is available in one build type or product flavor, but is not in the other. This can be achieved by using enabled property of @MatcherCode or @MatchesTo annotations:

android {
    releaseTypes {
        debug {
            buildConfigField("boolean", "DEBUG_ONLY", "true")
        release {
            buildConfigField("boolean", "DEBUG_ONLY", "false")

As soon as you have the build type dependant variable defined in the build.gradle of your application, you may use it in either @MatcherCode or @MatchesTo applied to a builder method that need to be switched off in the release build:

@UriFactory(scheme = ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT, authority="boringyuri.sample.provider")
interface BackgroundUriBuilder {
    @MatchesTo(value = "CODE_DEBUG_BG", enabled = BuildConfig.DEBUG_ONLY)
    Uri buildDebugBackgroundUri(@Path("id") int id);

Now the generated BackgroundUriMatcher will have background/debug/# path mapped to MatcherCode.CODE_DEBUG_BG only in debug builds, but in release builds the matcher will return UriMatcher.NO_MATCH for the Uri built with buildDebugBackgroundUri().

NOTE: @MatchesTo will generate the constant for enabled == false case as well, there just won't be a mapping defined between the Uri and the generated matcher code.


To add Boring Yuri to your project, include the following in your app module build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle) file:

android {
  // Boring YURI requires at least Java 8 compatibility.
  compileOptions {
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_8
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_8

With Kotlin KSP:

plugins {

dependencies {

With Kotlin KAPT:

plugins {

dependencies {

With Java only:

dependencies {
  implementation "com.github.anton-novikau:boringyuri-api:2.0.0"
  annotationProcessor "com.github.anton-novikau:boringyuri-processor:2.0.0"

Snapshots of the development version are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository. Add the repo below to download SNAPSHOT releases.

repositories {
  maven { setUrl("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/") }

‼️ IMPORTANT: The library was migrated from JCenter to MavenCentral and the Group ID had to be changed. If you used a version 1.1.3 or below, please ensure you have a correct dependency name.

dependencies {
-  implementation("org.boringyuri:boringyuri-api:${latestVersion}")
+  implementation("com.github.anton-novikau:boringyuri-api:${latestVersion}")
-  kapt("org.boringyuri:boringyuri-processor:${latestVersion}")
+  kapt("com.github.anton-novikau:boringyuri-processor:${latestVersion}")


Boring Yuri's annotation processors support the following configuration options:

  • boringyuri.type_adapter_factory – option to specify the BoringTypeAdapter factory class (it must be a fully qualified name) and to enable instance caching for the created adapters. Enabling this option allows to use the memory more efficiently and to create every instance of the specific type adapter only once. When the option is turned off, every instance of the adapter is created at use which gives to garbage collector more work.

To enable the option above you need to include the following in your app module build.gradle.kts (or build.gradle) file:

With Kotlin KSP:

ksp {
  arg("boringyuri.type_adapter_factory", "your.company.domain.BoringTypeAdapter")

With Kotlin KAPT:

kapt {
    arguments {
        arg("boringyuri.type_adapter_factory", "your.company.domain.BoringTypeAdapter")

With Java only:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments = ["boringyuri.type_adapter_factory": "your.company.domain.BoringTypeAdapter"]


Copyright 2020 Anton Novikau

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.