
Fork of https://bitbucket.org/beli-sk/docker-firefox

Firefox docker image

Firefox docker image using Xpra for displaying GUI from container on the host.


Source of the image is hosted on Bitbucket at https://bitbucket.org/beli-sk/docker-firefox

If you find any problems, please post an issue at https://bitbucket.org/beli-sk/docker-firefox/issues

The built image is located on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/r/beli/firefox/

Pull or build

The image is built automatically on Docker hub in repository beli/firefox and can be pulled using command

docker pull beli/firefox

or if you'd prefer to build it yourself from this repository

docker build -t beli/firefox .

Usage example

Run the container in the background

docker run -d beli/firefox

find out on which local port was the port 10000 from the container exposed

docker ps -l

and use Xpra on the host to attach to container's GUI

xpra attach tcp:localhost:PORT

(replace PORT with the port number exposed from the container)

If you would like to have a persistent profile used in the container, you can mount a host directory into /profile inside the container by adding a -v option to docker run, for example:

docker run -d -v /home/user/firefox_profile:/profile beli/firefox

Simultaneously running multiple containers from the same profile directory is not recommended, Firefox will not like it.

Similarly, you can do the same for /downloads directory inside the container.

Both volumes should have read/write permissions for user ID 1000, under which is used for starting firefox in the container.