
Next.js + Findify example

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a minimal example of how to use Findify` Agent + React-connect in Next.js app.

Findify SDK and Agent already include server-side request logic. This repo will explain how to separate Agents on server, make request that include cookies and reuse response on the client side.


yarn add @findify/react-connect @findify/change-emitter universal-cookie
npm i @findify/react-connect @findify/change-emitter universal-cookie

Create Feature

Feature is an instance of Search, Autocomplete, Recommendation or Smart Collection. An axample of feature creator can be found in ./components/Findify.js. Feel free to modify the code, but keep in mind - you need to provide the same user props on the backend and the client.

// We are preparing closure with Agent and Provider for specific feature
// Analytics instance will be automatically created inside Provider and provided down via React context
const Search = createWidgetCreator('[widget type]', '[API key]');

 // Make request on Server and pick user from req.headers.cookies
export async function getServerSideProps({ req, query }) {
  // Optional Request Body
  const params = { q: query && query.q || '' };
  // Optional persistent request params that will be merged with request params on every request
  // `slot` for smart-collections and recommendations should be passed here
  const defaults = { slot: 'collections/some-collections' };
  const state = await Search.request({
    req, // Required if you need to pick user from cookies on server
  return {
    props: { state, defaults, params },


createWidgetCreator returns 'Provider' component which contains logic for state rehydration. READ MORE about Findify` connections and providers

const Search = createWidgetCreator('[widget type]', '[API key]')

return ({ state, defaults }) => {
  return (
    <Search.Provider cache={state} defaults={defaults}>
      // Children here are able to connect to the feature state

You can also add config to providers prop. This prop will be available in all connects and hooks.

You can use either HOC or a Hook version of connector as they return the same props (connectItems = useItems).

How To

Listen to state update

import { useQuery } from '@findify/react-connect'


() => {
  const { query } = useQuery();
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('Query has been changed')
  }, [query])
  return null

Update Agent in some component

const Search = createWidgetCreator('[widget type]', '[API key]')


() => {
  return (
    <input onChange={(e) => Search.getAgent().set('q', e.target.value)}/>

You can find more information and cases of connectors and hooks in our react-components repository.

Send analytics

Every connector or hook returns { analytics } instance which could be used to send events to Findify

Basic example

import { useConfig } from '@findify/react-connect'
() => {
  const { analytics } = useConfig();
  analytics.sendEvent('view-page', { ... })

Update cart event

Should be sent after product has been added to the cart and contain the whole cat content

import { useConfig } from '@findify/react-connect'
const { analytics } = useConfig();
analytics.sendEvent('update-cart', {
    line_items: [ // Array of products
        item_id: "PRODUCT_ID_1",
        quantity: 1,
        unit_price: 22.35,
        variant_item_id: "VARIANT_ID_1"

Purchase event

import { useConfig } from '@findify/react-connect'

const { analytics } = useConfig();
 analytics.sendEvent('purchase', {
    currency: "EUR",
    line_items: [// Array of products
        item_id: "PRODUCT_ID_1",
        quantity: 1,
        unit_price: 288.28,
        variant_item_id: "VARIANT_ID_1"
    order_id: "ORDER_ID",
    revenue: 288.28

View page event

Should be sent every time user lands on the product page

const { analytics } = useConfig();
 analytics.sendEvent('view-page', {
  item_id: "PRODUCT_ID",
  variant_item_id: "PRODUCT_VARIANT_ID"

Product click event

Product Item contains sendAnalytics method by calling which all necessary data will be send to Findify

import { useItems } from '@findify/react-connect'
  const { items } = useItems();
  return items.map((item) =>
    <a onClick={() => item.sendAnalytics()} key={item.hashCode()}>

if you want to send analytics outside of Provider, you can create analytics instance manually. Analytics Reference