Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2024. Don't forget to spread love and if you like give us a ⭐️
Pinned issues
- 3
[UI] Navbar Revamp
#8031 opened by FlareMozZ - 4
Want to add 5 Python Projects
#7839 opened by Lakshi2006 - 2
Backtracking algo
#8083 opened by yesiamrajeev - 4
- 2
Extra space at bottom. body has a padding of 24px.
#8028 opened by aakashsaini09 - 3
improve scroll-to-top button
#7980 opened by ravixalgorithm - 7
Python Program for Number Conversion
#7780 opened by Ansh-Vikalp - 2
Hovering effect change
#7973 opened by Harshgupta88156 - 3
improve width footer
#7991 opened by EmanuelCG - 4
Created a Palindrome Checker Web-App
#7937 opened by nikhilsingh1010 - 5
improve the scroll to top icon
#7742 opened by ravixalgorithm - 2
reduce extra width in footer
#7979 opened by ravixalgorithm - 1
Gramatical error in code of conduct
#7956 opened by DaaniyaalAbbasi - 7
Inconsistent Spacing Between Instagram Icon and Text in Social Media Links
#7887 opened by amit712singhal - 3
Optimised route finding using Graph Algorithms
#7922 opened by ishwariiic - 2
Feat: Add style to the nav-bar column
#7946 opened by AkshitSalwan - 4
Just fix an typo text
#7894 opened by 1tte - 6
#7762 opened by Shrutibansal22 - 2
E-commerce landing page
#7925 opened by Sameer-ts-tech - 4
Weather Forecast
#7791 opened by vaishvi2811 - 3
#7752 opened by ayushsharma031009 - 4
Hacktober 2024
#7861 opened by YourIPaddress - 1
Rust features
#7909 opened by Absk024 - 2
Add a cards game using python
#7704 opened by ARP-WorkerHack1 - 3
how can i contribute please let me know
#7879 opened by abhishekrajput-web - 3
Correcting Misaligned social media tabs in nav bar
#7876 opened by smritig26 - 5
Add hactoberfest tag
#7632 opened by Asmi1108 - 2
Navbar Social Icons Misaligned and Non-Functional on Mobile for Hacktoberfest2024 Website
#7834 opened by igniteking - 3
Adding a chat app project
#7840 opened by kumar-ayush101 - 1
Want to add Longest Palindromic Substring code
#7833 opened by yashjaiswal5859 - 3
A Quiz Website
#7764 opened by DipeshK47 - 6
program to convert decimal number
#7814 opened by riyaa060 - 1
Lap timer program to count number of laps in python.
#7821 opened by anki-space - 1
Create a folder with basic DSA problems
#7818 opened by gh4aniket - 1
Contributors List
#7774 opened by swaindhruti - 3
Dijkstra's Algorithm Visually
#7630 opened by SunkaraboinaPraveenKumar - 2
Add Simple Calculator developed in Python
#7751 opened by SyedShagufta - 2
Add myself to contributor's list
#7723 opened by Nyae44 - 4
Updation in file
#7730 opened by soham0028 - 1
Build a script should give you the information about the top contributor of GitHub repository
#7727 opened by chawdamrunal - 1
Contributors list
#7716 opened by zziyouzhang18 - 3
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- 2
Hacktoberfest2024 excluded label
#7614 opened by elic4vet - 2
Addition to Contributor List
#7672 opened by ISaumya1011 - 2
Added myself to contributor list
#7666 opened by Jayesh0726 - 3
two sum of python
#7647 opened by abhijit9040 - 4
Implementation of Dijkstra Algorithm
#7599 opened by kishan-25 - 1
not getting consider as an hacktober pull request
#7609 opened by xXemran05khanXx - 2
Accept Hacktoberfest2024 label
#7590 opened by talhaStti