
Mock server for running E2E tests for proxy integrations

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Note This repository isn’t part of our core product, it's a part of our internal tools.

This repository contains mock server that is used for advanced E2E tests for our proxy integrations. When the integration is properly configured, it allows us to inspect requests sent from these integrations and perform necessary assertions.


In order to test your proxy integration, you need to configure it to send requests to this mock app. In most cases, this can be done by setting these two ENV variables when building the integration: FPCDN and INGRESS_API. For example:


You also need to set secret as your proxy secret key.

Refer to specific integration README for more details.

Note In order to get the API URL, contact the DX team.

How to use it


If you navigate to the mock app URL, you will see a simple UI that allows you to run the tests. ui.png


This app exposes REST API that can be used to run the tests.

To run tests, send POST request to: /api/test/run-tests with following payload:

  // CDN url in your proxy integration
  "cdnProxyUrl": "https://mock-test-inter-568-mock-app-tests.cfi-fingerprint.com/worker/pxdownload",
  // Ingress url in your proxy integration
  "ingressProxyUrl": "https://mock-test-inter-568-mock-app-tests.cfi-fingerprint.com/worker/pxresult",
  // First part of ii parameter sent by our proxy integration: <trafficName>/<integrationVersion>/type
  "trafficName": "fingerprint-pro-akamai",
  // Second part of ii parameter sent by our proxy integration: <trafficName>/<integrationVersion>/type
  "integrationVersion": "1.0.1-snapshot.0",
   // Optional parameter - you can use it to only run specific tests
   "testsFilter": ["test1", "test2", "..."]

You will receive following response:

  "host": "https://mock-test-inter-568-mock-app-tests.cfi-fingerprint.com",
  "status": "finished",
  "results": [
      // True if the test passed
      "passed": true,
      // Name of the test
      "testName": "agent request query params",
      // Duration of the request in milliseconds
      "requestDurationMs": 322
      // False if the test failed
      "passed": false,
      // Name of the test
      "testName": "ingress request headers",
      // Duration of the request in milliseconds
      "requestDurationMs": 23,
      // Assertion that failed
      "reason": "customQuery",
      "meta": {
        "error": {
          "generatedMessage": false,
          "code": "ERR_ASSERTION",
          "actual": "123",
          "expected": "1234",
          "operator": "assert"
        // Array of requests that we received from proxy for this test
        "requestsFromProxy": [
            // URL from our app that proxy sent request to
            "url": "<MOCK_APP_HOST>/worker/pxresult",
            // Request headers
            "headers": {},
            // Request method
            "method": "POST"


As an alternative, you can use our CLI client:

npm exec -y "git+https://github.com/fingerprintjs/dx-team-mock-for-proxy-integrations-e2e-tests.git" --
# URL of the mock server 
# CDN url in your proxy integration 
# Ingress url in your proxy integration
# First part of ii parameter sent by our proxy integration: <trafficName>/<integrationVersion>/type
# Second part of ii parameter sent by our proxy integration: <trafficName>/<integrationVersion>/type

Adding new tests

Test cases can be found in src/app/test/cases directory, and look like this:

import { assert, assertToBeTruthy } from '../../service/assert'
import { TestCase } from '../../types/testCase'

const testCase: TestCase = {
  // Name of the tests
  name: 'agent request preserve header and query',
  // Test function. It receives `api` object that can be used to send requests to the proxy integration.
  test: async (api) => {
    const query = new URLSearchParams()
    query.set('customQuery', '123')

    // `requestFromProxy` is the request that we received from proxy integration.
    const { requestFromProxy } = await api
      // or .sendRequestToIngress which sends request to the ingress endpoint
      // or .sendRequestToCacheEndpoint which sends request to the cache endpoint
      .sendRequestToCdn(query, { headers: { 'X-Custom': '123' } })
    const { ii, customQuery } = requestFromProxy.query


    // More assertions

export default testCase

To add new test case, simply create new file in src/app/test/cases directory with *.case.ts file name and provide default export with the TestCase object. It will be automatically picked up by the test runner.

Running locally

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm install.
  3. Run the app: npm start:dev. By default the app will run on port 3000.
  4. Use a tunnel to make the app accessible from the internet. For example, you can use ngrok:
    ngrok http 3000
  5. Use the URL provided by ngrok to run the tests. Refer to the Preperation section for more details.