
Official React Native client for Fingerprint PRO. 100% accurate device identification for fraud detection.

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Fingerprint Pro React Native

Fingerprint is a device intelligence platform offering 99.5% accurate visitor identification. Fingerprint Pro React Native SDK is an easy way to integrate Fingerprint Pro into your React Native application to call the native Fingerprint Pro libraries (Android and iOS) and identify devices.

Table of contents

Requirements and limitations

  • React Native 0.73 or higher

  • Android 5.0 (API level 21+) or higher

  • iOS 13+/tvOS 15+, Swift 5.7 or higher (stable releases)

  • Fingerprint Pro request filtering is not supported right now. Allowed and forbidden origins cannot be used.

  • Usage inside the Expo environment is not supported right now.


How to install

1. Install the package using your favorite package manager:

  • NPM:

    npm install @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native --save
  • Yarn:

    yarn add @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native
  • PNPM:

    pnpm add @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native

2. Configure native dependencies

  • iOS

    cd ios && pod install
  • Android

    Add a declaration of the Fingerprint Android repository to your app main build.gradle file to the allprojects section:

    maven {
    maven {

    The file location is {rootDir}/android/build.gradle. After the changes the build.gradle file should look as following:

    allprojects {
     repositories {
       maven {
         // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
       maven {
         // Android JSC is installed from npm
       maven {
       maven {


To identify visitors, you need a Fingerprint Pro account (you can sign up for free).

Hooks approach

Configure the SDK by wrapping your application in FingerprintJsProProvider.

// src/index.js
import React from 'react';
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import { FingerprintJsProProvider } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native';
import App from './App';

const WrappedApp = () => (
        <App />

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AppName', () => WrappedApp);

Use the useVisitorData hook in your components to perform visitor identification and get the data.

// src/App.js
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import { useVisitorData } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native';

function App() {
  const {
  } = useVisitorData();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  if (isLoading) {
    return <Text>Loading...</Text>;
  if (error) {
    return <Text>An error occured: {error.message}</Text>;

  if (data) {
    // perform some logic based on the visitor data
    return (
        Visitor id is {data.visitorId}
  } else {
    return null;

export default App;

API Client approach

import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { FingerprintJsProAgent } from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro-react-native';

// ... 

useEffect(() => {
  async function getVisitorInfo() {
    try {
      const FingerprintClient = new FingerprintJsProAgent({ apiKey: 'PUBLIC_API_KEY', region: 'eu' }); // Region may be 'us', 'eu', or 'ap'
      const visitorId = await FingerprintClient.getVisitorId(); // Use this method if you need only visitorId
      const visitorData = await FingerprintClient.getVisitorData(); // Use this method if you need additional information about visitor
      // use visitor data in your code
    } catch (e) {
      console.error('Error: ', e);
}, []);


Two types of responses are supported: "default" and "extended". You don't need to pass any parameters to get the "default" response. "Extended" is an extended result format that includes geolocation, incognito mode and other information. It can be requested using the extendedResponseFormat: true parameter. See more details about the responses in the documentation.

Providing extendedResponseFormat with hooks approach

  return (
    <FingerprintJsProProvider apiKey={PUBLIC_API_KEY} extendedResponseFormat={true}>
      <App />

Providing extendedResponseFormat with API Client approach

const FingerprintClient = new FingerprintJsProAgent({ apiKey: 'PUBLIC_API_KEY', region: 'eu', extendedResponseFormat: true }); // Region may be 'us', 'eu', or 'ap'
// =================================================================================================^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

LinkedId and tags

linkedId is a way of linking current analysis event with a custom identifier. This will allow you to filter visit information when using the Server API For more information, see Linked ID.

tag is a customer-provided value or an object that will be saved together with the analysis event and will be returned back to you in a webhook message or when you search for the visit in the server API. For more information, see Tag.

Providing linkedId and tags with hooks approach

const { getData } = useVisitorData();
const tags = {
  tag1: 'string tag',
  tag2: 42,
  tag3: true,
  tag4: [0, 1, 1, 2, 5],
  tag5: { foo: 'bar' }
const linkedId = 'custom id';

const visitorData = await getData(tags, linkedId);

Providing linkedId and tags with API Client approach

const { getData } = useVisitorData();
const tags = {
  tag1: 'string tag',
  tag2: 42,
  tag3: true,
  tag4: [0, 1, 1, 2, 5],
  tag5: { foo: 'bar' }
const linkedId = 'custom id';

const visitorId = await FingerprintClient.getVisitorId(tags, linkedId); // Use this method if you need only visitorId
const visitorData = await FingerprintClient.getVisitorData(tags, linkedId); // Use this method if you need additional information about visitor

API Reference

See the full generated API Reference.

Additional Resources

Support and feedback

To report problems, ask questions or provide feedback, please use Issues. If you need private support, please email us at oss-support@fingerprint.com.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.