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Fingerprint Pro Use Cases

This repository demonstrates various use cases for Fingerprint Pro — a browser and device identity platform with 99.5% accuracy. Each scenario covers frontend and backend sample implementation with a persistent data layer. A live demo of each use case is available at You can learn more about these use cases on our website.

How to run

  1. yarn install
  2. yarn dev

Alternatively, you can use Stackblitz to run the project in your Chromium-based browser.

Use cases

Coupon & Promo Abuse

Prevent visitors from using a promo code multiple times. Protect yourself from customers abusing your promotional campaigns and increase sales.

🎟 Coupon & Promo Abuse Live Demo
📖 Coupon & Promo Abuse Article

Credential Stuffing

Protect your login page from repeated attempts to log in with stolen credentials and other account takeover threats. Without compromising the user experience of legitimate users.

🔐 Credential Stuffing Live Demo
📖 Credential Stuffing Article

Loan Risk

Detect fraudulent loan applications submitted by previously rejected applicants. Even when they are not logged in or use a VPN/Incognito mode.

🧾 Loan Risk Live Demo
📖 Loan Risk Article

Payment Fraud

Protect your checkout from the use of stolen credit cards, chargebacks, and other payment fraud threats.

💵 Payment Fraud Live Demo
📖 Payment Fraud Article


Protect your content and build a paywall that actually works. Prevent visitors from resetting their free content quota by clearing cookies, going incognito, or using a VPN.

🗞 Paywall Live Demo
📖 Paywall Article


Provide a tailored experience to your visitors without forcing them to create an account. Remember search history, user preferences, or abandoned shopping cart items months after their last visit.

🙋‍♀️ Personalization Live Demo
📖 Personalization Article

Content Scraping

Protect the content on your website from theft by reliably detecting even sophisticated bots and browser automation tools.

🦾 Content Scraping Live Demo
📖 Content Scraping Article

Bot-detection-powered Firewall

Integrate Fingerprint Bot Detection with your Web Application Firewall and dynamically block IP addresses linked to past bot visits.

🔥🧱 Bot Firewall Live Demo
📖 Bot Firewall Article

SMS Pumping Fraud Protection

Prevent financial losses from SMS pumping. Link every verification text message to a browser fingerprint and limit the number of verification requests from a single browser.

📱 SMS Pumping Protection Live Demo
📖 SMS Pumping Protection Article

VPN Detection and Location Spoofing Protection

Detect when visitors are using VPN to access your application. Prevent people spoofing their location from accessing geo-restricted content or pricing.

🌍 VPN Detection Live Demo
📖 VPN Detection Article

Documentation and Support

To dive deeper into Fingerprint Pro, see our Documentation. For questions or suggestions specific to this repository, you can create an issue. For general questions and community vibes, visit our Discord server. If you require private support, you can email us at


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.