
Samples that show some useful techniques for automated tests of an API

Primary LanguageC#

Integration Testing Examples

This repository takes a step-by-step approach for exploring techinques to use in integration tests for ASP.NET Core API projects using XUnit and WebApplicationFactory (part of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing).

Using XUnit with WebApplicationFactory

The 01-simple-api folder contains a solution that gets started with a slightly-modified "weather forecast" minimal API and gets into some testing - including a CustomApiFactory class that inherits from WebApplicationFactory.

A blog post with explanations is available.

Using a Fixture and TestContainers for Data

The 02-simple-api-with-sqlite and 03-simple-api-with-postgres folders add a controller for "products" that has get many, get single, and create methods that use a real database - SQLite and Postgres respectively.

Both solutions show some always-refreshed data used in the "Development" environment: hard-coded in the SQLite flavor and then using Bogus in the Postgres version.

The important content is in the Test projects for each solution - and both include a DatabaseFixture class that establishes the database and some test data using Bogus that is a little different than the "Development" data mentioned above.

  • The SQLite version uses an in-memory version of SQLite
  • The Postgres version uses TestContainers with a Postgres to run a temporary Docker container for the postgres database that will only exist for the duration of the test and is then cleaned up.

The tests refer to the OriginalProducts that were created during startup.