
A tool to transform Bear notes into Hugo-compatible markdown files

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Bhugo is a simple tool written in Go that transforms Bear notes into Hugo-compatible markdown files. It runs in the background so that whenever you make changes to your Bear notes, you can immediately see the updates on your Hugo server.

Bhugo will monitor a directory of Bear notes based off of a configurable tag prefix. For example, if you prefix all your Bear notes as #blog ( #blog/finance, #blog/life etc.), configure Bhugo to monitor the blog prefix. Bhugo will preserve any custom front matter that you add to your Hugo files.

Bhugo does it’s best to stay out of your way, with only a few requirements for how you write your notes:

  • Write your notes in markdown compatibility mode.

  • The first line of your note is treated as the title and is used to create the Hugo files and insert the title into the Hugo front matter - a note titled My Great Post will generate a file called my-great-post.md.

  • The Nth line of your note is expected to be hashtags (and optionally other text), which will correlate to either Hugo categories or tags in the front matter; this is configurable as

  • You can insert images into your Bear notes and they will be copied to the content directory as part of the blog post bundles. No manual interaction required.

  • The draft tag has special meaning and will specifically mark the post as a draft in the Hugo front matter, for example #blog/draft.


Bhugo will blow away the body of an existing file in the CONTENT_DIR directory if it already exists. For example, if you title a Bear note My New Post and there is an existing file called my-new-post.md the body of that file will be truncated and replaced with the content from your Bear note. Any custom front matter in that file, however, will be preserved.



Create a .bhugo wherever you like - a good spot is in the root of your Hugo site. You’ll need to configure this file with several values:

# Optional - defaults listed below
DATABASE="/Users/<username>/Library/Group Containers/9K33E3U3T4.net.shinyfrog.bear/Application Data/database.sqlite"

Substitute your username in the DATABASE variable if you want to customize it - this is where Bear stores it’s data. Bhugo is read-only on this database but if it makes you feel better, back up that file.

HUGO_DIR is the root directory of your Hugo blog.

CONTENT_DIR is the output directory relative to the HUGO_DIR that Bhugo will save posts to.

NOTE_TAG is the tag prefix in Bear that Bhugo will monitor.

INTERVAL is how often Bhugo will check for changes to Bear notes. Valid values given by time.Duration.

CATEGORIES is a boolean value indicating that Bhguo will treat Bear hashtags as Hugo categories in the front matter.

TAGS is a boolean value indicating that Bhguo will treat Bear hashtags as Hugo tags in the front matter.

TAG_LINE can be used with either 1 (second line), or -1 (last line), or anything else you want where the hashtags are placed in the entries. Dynamic finding of tags is not supported.

TIME_FORMAT can be used to customize time format used when dumping entries.


Pull requests, feature requests, bug reports, and general feedback are all more than welcome.