
Batch ALAC tree maintenance utility

Primary LanguagePython


This utility script maintains flac tree hierarchy -> alac tree hierarchy, with entirely automatic (and hopefully correct) conversion steps in the middle.

This can be used constantly as it checks timestamps, and does nothing if FLAC has not chanced since ALAC was created. (I prefer having single source of truth for metadata, and in this case, it is my FLAC hierarchy. Storage is cheap, join the dark side. )


  • python 3
  • ffmpeg
  • atomicparsley (to handle cover art)

There MUST be .jpg file in each subdirectory with .flacs. All files are handled 'safely' (first write to temp file, and then rename).


python3 flacs2alacs.py srcdir dstdir


python3 flacs2alacs.py ~/Music/{flac,alac}


  • eventually make removal part of the equation too ( now if I rename .flacs, .m4as stick around and cause duplication ); unfortunately syncing state with iTunes is painful so I think I will simply not rename anything, ever, as I do not really care about the file hierarchy that much anyway, just the metadata + covers..

  • real command-line option parsing