'Spirit of home' - my home automation project based on Python 2/3.
Notably influenced by https://github.com/balloob/home-assistant - however, as I am not that keen on forcing use of Python 3, and some design choices there, I figured rolling my own would be easiest (cough).
- (Python-encoded) state machine mechanism
- Some utility 'actions' on OS X and various embedded devices to perform things state machine dictates should be done
- Multi-machine support (client-server, with same API available at both ends; clients can be also non-Python)
- ( Minimalist sun state calculator - TBD if this is good idea or if ambient light sensor is desirable )
Support for Python 2.7+ / Python 3.4+
Pure Python solution (so that it runs easily e.g. on OpenWrt without python-dev or equivalent)
Correctness - should be robust. Ensured by reasonable unit test coverage (and potentially system tests later on)
As few external dependencies as possible
- phue (Philips Hue support - pure Python, single .py)
- tox (for unit testing; it will pull py.test and run things inside virtualenv)
- prdb (for database of key-value objects)
- pysyma (for PRDB state synchronization across home)
As simple as possible - basically, simple signal mechanism (without external dependencies as e.g. pysignal is not really maintained), combined with use of threading where applicable. Integration of third-party libraries to single-threaded application is too painful so I cannot be bothered.
- 'efficiency' - all I care is fast development, and relative robustness of the final solution.