Lenin Analysis


  1. Clone the project git clone git://github.com/geekazoid/leninanalysis
  2. Install requirements
:~/leninanalysis$ [sudo] pip install -r requirements.txt

(Install pip: [sudo] apt-get install python-pip)
  1. Edit config.py. Change data_dir to point to the absolute path of your data directory. This is where all the scrapped JSONs will be saved in.

Also, you can set MIN_YEAR and MAX_YEAR to scrap smaller subsets of Lenin Full Works.

For instance:

data_dir="/home/marat/Dropbox/Facu/incc/incc-2012/TP Lenin/data/"
MIN_YEAR = 1900
MAX_YEAR = 1905
  1. Scrap lenin works.
$ python cccp.py --scrap

This command creates a file named lenin_work.json at the root directory of the project.

You can also scrap a smaller subset with:

$ python cccp.py --scrap
  1. Populate mongodb with scrapped data (creates collection lenin.document)
$ ./cccp.py --populate-database
  1. Run Information Value analysis over the documents (creates collection lenin.information_value_result)
$ ./cccp.py --calculate-results
