
A high-level Python API for converting PHP files into a PHP Bytecode Pydantic model. It incorporates additional functions to assist in the analysis of PHP bytecode.

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A high-level Python API for converting PHP files into a PHP Bytecode Pydantic model. It incorporates additional functions to assist in the analysis of PHP bytecode. The implementation involves a Python module written in C to convert PHP source files to Zend bytecode (op_arrays) Python objects.

Why php-bytecode-security-framework

Please visit https://finixbit.github.io/posts/autonomous-Hacking-of-PHP-Web-Applications-at-the-Bytecode-Level/


Docker - Build, test, and deploy applications quickly.

Setting up

git clone https://github.com/finixbit/php-bytecode-security-framework
cd php-bytecode-security-framework

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ${PWD}/:/app debian:buster-20220801
cd /app


Example Test cases

Before running any of the test cases below, you need to set the docker container by following the setup above

Testing with Vulnerable Web Applications

All tests were done with detection_script/simple_code_injection.py which only models generic PHP global variables (SOURCES) like $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST and traces data down to potentially vulnerable calls (SINKS) like echo, concat, include, etc.

Name Vulns Report Github
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) 21 Report Link Github Repo
OWASP Vulnerable Web Application Project 10 Report Link Github Repo
Simple SQL Injection Training App 15 Report Link Github Repo
Vulnerable Web application made with PHP/SQL 6 Report Link Github Repo
InsecureTrust_Bank - Educational repo demonstrating web app vulnerabilities 5 Report Link Github Repo


php_bytecode_api (src/php_bytecode_api)

A high-level Python API for src/php_to_bytecode_converter, intended for the conversion of PHP files into a defined PHP Bytecode Pydantic model. This includes additional functions to facilitate the analysis of PHP bytecode.

import php_bytecode_api
functions: list[FunctionModel] = php_bytecode_api.convert_and_lift(path_to_php_file)

See Pydantic Models below for more details on the data structure FunctionModel extracted from the PHP Bytecode.

php_to_bytecode_converter (src/php_to_bytecode_converter)

A Python module is written in C to convert PHP source files to Zend bytecode (op_arrays), CFG, DFG, and SSA Python objects.

import php_to_bytecode_converter
functions: list[dict] = php_to_bytecode_converter.convert(path_to_php_file)

Below is the data structure extracted from each function found in a PHP file:

- filename: str
- class_name: str
- function_name: str
- num_args: int
- required_num_args: int
- number_of_instructions: int
- extra = {
    type: int
    number_of_cv_variables: int 
    number_of_tmp_variables: int
    last_live_range: int
    last_try_catch: int 
    arg_flags: list [int, int, int]
    last_literal: int
    literals: [
            type: str
            value: str
- instructions = [
        op1: {
            type:  str
            value: str
            variable_number: int
        op2: {
            type:  str
            value: str
            variable_number: int
        result: {
            type:  str
            value: str
            variable_number: int
        num: int
        extended_value: int
        lineno: int
        opcode: int
        opcode_name: str
        opcode_flags: int
        op1_type: int
        op2_type: int
        result_type: int
- cfg = {
    blocks_count: int
    edges_count: int
    blocks: [
            start: int
            len: int
            successors_count: int
            predecessors_count: int
            predecessor_offset: int
            idom: int
            loop_header: int
            level: int
            children: int
            next_child: int
            successors_storage: [int, int]
            successors: [int, int]
    predecessors: [int, int]
- dfg = [
        block_index: int
        var_def: [
                var_num: int
                var_name: str
        var_use: [
                var_num: int
                var_name: str
        var_in: [
                var_num: int
                var_name: str
        var_out: [
                var_num: int
                var_name: str
        var_tmp: [
                var_num: int
                var_name: str
- ssa = {
    number_of_sccs: int
    number_of_ssa_variables: int
    ssa_variables: [
            ssa_var_num: int
            var_num: int
            var_name: str
            definition: int
            definition_phi: {
                pi: int
                variable_index: int
                variable: {
                    var_num: int
                    var_name: str
                ssa_variable_index: int
                current_block_index: int
                visited: int
                has_range_constraint: int
                constraint: {
                    range_range_min: int
                    range_range_max: int
                    range_range_underflow: int
                    range_range_overflow: int
                    range_min_var: int
                    range_max_var: int
                    range_min_ssa_var: int
                    range_max_ssa_var: int
                sources: [...int]
            no_val: int
            use_chain: int
            escape_state: int
            strongly_connected_component: int
            strongly_connected_component_entry: int

    ssa_instructions: [
            op1_use: int
            op2_use: int
            result_use: int
            op1_def: int
            op2_def: int
            result_def: int
            op1_use_chain: int
            op2_use_chain: int
            res_use_chain: int
    ssa_blocks: [
            block_index; int
            phis; [
                    pi: int
                    variable_index: int
                    variable: {
                        var_num: int
                        var_name: str
                    ssa_variable_index: int
                    current_block_index: int
                    visited: int
                    has_range_constraint: int
                    constraint: {
                        range_range_min: int
                        range_range_max: int
                        range_range_underflow: int
                        range_range_overflow: int
                        range_min_var: int
                        range_max_var: int
                        range_min_ssa_var: int
                        range_max_ssa_var: int
                    sources: [...int]



Directory to hold all scripts

  • detectors/template_script.py - template script to get started.
  • detectors/code_injection.py - Models generic PHP global variable (SOURCES) like $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST and traces data down to potentially vulnerable calls (SINKS) like echo, concat, include, etc.


Directory to store target source files. Follow the Example Test Cases above to set up a target.