
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



Our reference platform for GeoRef is Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS, running Python 2.7.6 and Django 1.9.2. For development we use Django's built-in development web server MySQL database.

We develop using a VagrantBox VM running a Ubuntu Linux inside a Mac OS X host machine. Vagrant VM is strictly optional and only necessary if you are not running directly from a Ubuntu Linux Machine.

Our image view is rendered using the OpenSeadragon open source image viewer. (openseadragon.github.io/)

(Optional) Set up a Vagrant VM

If you are running on a mac, we highly encourage you to use Vagrant to set up a Ubuntu Development Instance. Our set up script works best within the Vagrant environment running on Mac OSX.

Install VirtualBox. We have found that VirtualBox Version 4.3.10 works best with Vagrant. We highly recommend you download VirtualBox 4.3.10. Install the latest version of vagrant: ​http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads

Set Up an Install Location

Let's create a directory to hold the whole GeoRef installation and capture the path in an environment variable we can use in the instructions below:

export GEOCAM_DIR=$HOME/projects/geocam # or choose your own
mkdir -p $GEOCAM_DIR

Get the Source

Check out our latest source revision with:

git clone https://github.com/nasa/georef_deploy.git

For more information on the Git version control system, visit the Git home page. You can install Git on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt-get install git-all

Run the Setup Script

The "setup_site_vagrant.sh" script initializes the vagrant box and it clones all the submodules that are needed:

# go into the georef_deploy directory
cd georef_deploy

# if you are running inside a Vagrant VM do

If you are running directly on a Ubuntu Linux Machine, you can skip the above shell script and run the following:

sudo python $GEOCAM_DIR/georef_deploy/setup_site.py

# You need to manually create couple symlinks if not running on vagrant
sudo ln -s /home/geocam/georef_deploy georef_deploy
sudo ln -s gds/georef/ georef

Override settings.py

In the settings.py file, modify the DATABASES field to point to your Django MySQL database:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'georef',
        'USER': 'root',
        'PASSWORD': 'vagrant',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '3306',

Setup the Data Directory

You must manually create the data directory and its sub folders. GeoRef will write the image tiles to this directory.

  1. Create a data directory
    mkdir $GEOCAM_DIR/georef/data
  2. Create the overlays directory
    mkdir -p $GEOCAM_DIR/georef/data/geocamTiePoint/overlay_images
  3. Set the permissions
    chmod -R 777 $GEOCAM_DIR/georef/data

Setup GeoRef

If your development environment is set up inside Vagrant, cd into the georef_deploy directory and do:

vagrant ssh

And then run the following commands.

You must create the following directory and files:

# If you are not using Vagrant, do
    mkdir -p $GEOCAM_DIR/georef_deploy/georef/data/deepzoom/ & touch $GEOCAM_DIR/georef_deploy/georef/data/deepzoom/deepzoom.exception.log

# If you are using Vagrant, do
    # deepzoom directory needs to be owned by www-data. Put it in /home/vagrant so that it can be owned by www-data (and not by user)
    mkdir -p /home/vagrant/deepzoom
    # create a symlink to deepzoom in the data dir
    ln -s /home/vagrant/deepzoom /home/vagrant/georef/data/deepzoom
Install Earth Engine by following the instructions below:

To install Python dependencies, render icons and collect media for the server, run:

cd $GEOCAM_DIR/georef_deploy/georef
./manage.py bootstrap --yes
source $GEOCAM_DIR/georef_deploy/georef/sourceme.sh genSourceme genSettings
./manage.py collectstatic
./manage.py prep

You'll need to source the sourceme.sh file every time you open a new shell if you want to run GeoCam-related Python scripts such as starting the Django development web server. The sourceme.sh file will also take care of activating your virtualenv environment in new shells (if you were in a virtualenv when you ran setup.py).

To initialize the database

$GEOCAM_DIR/georef/manage.py makemigrations deepzoom

$GEOCAM_DIR/georef/manage.py makemigrations geocamTiePoint

$GEOCAM_DIR/georef/manage.py migrate

Note that the path to manage.py may be different if you are running inside Vagrant.

Create a User Account

User name and password are required to use GeoRef. To create one, do:

./manage.py createsuperuser

And follow the prompts.

Try It Out

Now you're ready to try it out!

Restart the Apache server sudo apachectl restart

Point your browser to ​