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MMedium's Maxi-Medium

We are building a simple blog posting web application that allows users to log into their account and input new blogs posts that can be viewed in a newsfeed of most recents posts.

Installation Instructions

  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Create a config.env file with the following content:
export DATABASE_URL={heroku postgres database}
export COOKIE_PASSWORD={variable of at least 32 random characters (this is used to encrypt cookies from the server}
export CLIENT_ID={Get this from GitHub after registering new OAuth app}
export CLIENT_SECRET={As above}
  • Tests in this app involve database so you need to create a local postgres database and run it using for example the Postgres elephant app, the process is explained below so in order to run the tests create a config-test.env file with the following content:
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://{  user name here, e.g. mike  }:@localhost:5432/maxi_medium_tests
export COOKIE_PASSWORD={variable of at least 32 random characters (this is used to encrypt cookies from the server}
export CLIENT_ID={Get this from GitHub after registering new OAuth app}
export CLIENT_SECRET={As above}

Tech to include

  • Use Ouath to login user with Github
  • Merge Github login with bespoke login and registration
  • See GitHub profile picture
  • Validate front end input on back end using Joi
  • Markdown Preview
  • Separate login page if front end javascript disabled

User Stories

-[x] I can click on a button, which allows me to log in via my Github account


  • The look of the button should make it obvious that it is this form of login
  • Once I'm logged in, I should see a list of blog posts
  • I shouldn't be left with a blank loading screen for too long during the authorisation process, otherwise I will lose confidence in your website and leave.
  • I can see my profile picture on each page that I visit

As a user, I want to be able to:

  • Post new blog posts
  • Log into my account with a password
  • Attach my author name to the posts I write, and view the authors of others
  • Browse a feed of the most recent posts
  • Attach an image to my posts


  • Be able to submit new blog posts
  • Create a newsfeed of blog posts, showing image, title, date and time posted, and author
  • Order newsfeed by most recent
  • Click on each item on newsfeed to open the post in a new page
  • Include login page
  • Include home page button that directs to newsfeed
  • BEM

Stretch Goals

  • Loading Scroll
  • Authentication
  • Add user image to profile
  • Author link for each post goes to GitHub
  • Search feature


We mapped out the following wireframes for our site, that included three different pages:



Submit new post


View Post



Schema Diagrams


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
github_id integer not null default
username character varying(20) not null
display_name character varying(64) not null
password character varying(64) not null
avatar_url character varying(500) not null


Column Type Modifiers
id integer not null default
author_id integer REFERENCES users(id)
title character varying(100) not null
body_text character varying(20000) not null
image_url character varying(500) not null
date_posted character varying(50) not null


PostgresSQL - connection idling

You can specify how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed:

idleTimeoutMillis: 1000

Heroku env variables

DATABASE_URL={url of heroku postgres database}
COOKIE_PASSWORD={ random cookie password minimum 32 characters}

Travis setup

make sure that the name of the database (at the end) matches the name of the database created in .travis.yml file - see below for further info.

COOKIE_PASSWORD={ random cookie password minimum 32 characters}

Setup PostgreSQL database on Heroku

  1. create heroku app and push it to Heroku
heroku create app-name-here --region eu
git push heroku master
  1. create database in heroku dashboard or use heroku cli
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

  1. try accessing database from command line using psql
psql databaseUrlhere (can be found in app settings on heroku)

  1. Set up back end to connect to Heroku database (this is done in the db_connect.js file in this project)

Setting up local postgreSQL database for testing

  • Setting up a test database:
  1. Open Postgres elephant app
  2. run psql in the terminal
  3. create a test database: CREATE DATABASE hapi_handlebars_articles_test;
  4. connect to database \c hapi_handlebars_articles_test
  5. run build script \i ./database_build/db_build.sql
  6. Create a config-test.env and add the test DATABASE_URL to this file (don't forget to add this file to .gitignore)
  7. set environmental variable to test, under scripts in package.json add the following:

Note: postgres elephant app needs to be running to run the tests, but you don't need to be connected to database using the psql module.

"pretest": "NODE_ENV=test node database-build/db-build.js",
"test": "NODE_ENV=test tape test/index.test.js | tap-spec",
  1. Setup config-test.env file:

1. Add the following to db_connect.js:

const environment = require('env2');

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
} else {

Setting up travis with its own local postgreSQL database for testing

  • Instruct travis to set up local database on its servers
  - "psql -c 'create database hapi_handlebars_articles_test;' -U postgres"
  - "psql -U postgres -d hapi_handlebars_articles_test -a -f database-build/db-build.sql"
  • Go to repo settings on travis and add environmental variable

Setting up travis with bcrypt

  • Normally you would just type npm install bcrypt. However, people on Linux (especially Ubuntu and Debian) might get an error because bcrypt needs to be compiled and the compiler and the relative utilities are missing. To fix this on a linux machine, type sudo apt-get install build-essential. Only after that type npm install bcrypt. Now it should work.

Travis is also a linux machine and requires a C++ compiler for using bcrypt, so make sure to include this in your travis.yml file.

language: node_js
  - '6.9.5'
  -  "npm run coverage"
  - CXX=g++-4.8
    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
    - gcc-4.8
    - g++-4.8
  # postgres: "9.4"

  - ./node_modules/.bin/codecov -e TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION -f coverage/coverage.json

psql commands

# list tables / relations

Wireframes tool