About ----- Simpool is a simple object pooling library for Java. There is some debate over the use of object pooling for languages like Java, but I'll leave that up to you. I really just made this because I had an hour of free time and had a programming itch to scratch. Releases -------- If you would just like to download the jar file, see the releases page: http://finnkuusisto.github.com/Simpool/releases License ------- Simpool is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license. A copy of the license can be found in the header of every source file as well as in the LICENSE file included with the Simpool. Using Simpool ------------- There are 3 classes you need to understand in order to use Simpool. Poolable is an abstraction for the type that you want to pool. PoolableFactory is an abstraction for instantiation of the type that you want to pool. Pool is type that actually manages the pooling of objects. -Poolable- Any type that you want to pool must implement the Poolable interface. It is a minimal interface that only requires implementation of the reset() method, which is called when an instance is returned to a Pool. -PoolableFactory- For any type that you want to pool you must also provide a class that implements the PoolableFactory interface. It is a minimal interface that only requires implementation of the create() method, which is used by a Pool whenever another instance of the pooled type must be created. -Pool- The Pool class manages the actual pooling of objects. You construct one with a PoolableFactory for the type you want to pool. You can optionally specify a starting size of the pool as well as a maximum number of allocations that the Pool is allowed to make. Javadocs -------- See the Javadocs for more details: http://finnkuusisto.github.com/Simpool/doc