♥️ 💎 🍀

My skills required for future performances

Event Driven
Spring Boot: Spring Security upgrade
Spring Boot: Virtual Thread
Git Brush up
Spring Boot: JUnit 5 and Mockito, MockMvc, TDD
Spring Boot 3 Observability | Monitor Method & Service Performance
Spring Session
Spring Integration
Spring Modulith
Spring REST Docs
Spring AI
Spring Batch
Spring for Apache Kafka
Spring for Apache Pulsar
Spring Boot: Implement and use Redis for caching
Java Upgrade
Advance Caching using Redis

Checklist for Skill Upgrade for a Spring Boot Developer with 7 Years of Experience

Core Spring Boot Skills

  • Spring Framework Basics

    • Dependency Injection
    • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
    • Spring MVC
  • Spring Boot Fundamentals

    • Spring Boot Annotations
    • Spring Boot Starters
    • Application Configuration (application.properties/application.yml)
    • Spring Boot Actuator
  • Spring Boot Testing

    • Unit Testing with JUnit
    • Integration Testing
    • Mocking with Mockito
    • Testing REST APIs
  • Data Access

    • Spring Data JPA
    • Hibernate
    • Transaction Management
    • Spring Data REST
    • Query Methods and Custom Queries
  • Security

    • Spring Security
    • OAuth2 and JWT
    • Method-level Security

Advanced Spring Boot Skills

  • Microservices Architecture

    • Building Microservices with Spring Boot
    • Service Discovery with Eureka
    • API Gateway with Zuul or Spring Cloud Gateway
    • Load Balancing with Ribbon
    • Circuit Breaker with Hystrix or Resilience4j
  • Spring Cloud

    • Spring Cloud Config
    • Spring Cloud Bus
    • Distributed Tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin
    • Spring Cloud Stream
    • Spring Cloud Function
  • Reactive Programming

    • Project Reactor
    • WebFlux
    • Reactive Data Access
  • Performance Tuning and Monitoring

    • JVM Tuning
    • Using Spring Boot Actuator for Monitoring
    • APM tools like New Relic, Dynatrace, or Prometheus

DevOps and CI/CD

  • Containerization

    • Docker Basics
    • Docker Compose
    • Building and Running Spring Boot Applications in Docker
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

    • Jenkins, GitLab CI, or GitHub Actions
    • Building Pipelines for Spring Boot Applications
    • Automated Testing and Deployment
  • Cloud Platforms

    • Deploying Spring Boot Applications on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud
    • Using Platform as a Service (PaaS) like Heroku, Cloud Foundry, or OpenShift

Soft Skills

  • Communication

    • Effective Communication with Team Members and Stakeholders
    • Writing Clear and Concise Documentation
  • Collaboration

    • Agile/Scrum Methodologies
    • Version Control with Git
    • Code Review Best Practices
  • Problem-Solving

    • Debugging Skills
    • Analytical Thinking

Emerging Technologies and Trends

  • Kubernetes

    • Basics of Kubernetes
    • Deploying and Managing Spring Boot Applications in Kubernetes
  • Serverless Architecture

    • Introduction to Serverless
    • Using AWS Lambda or Azure Functions with Spring Boot
  • GraphQL

    • Basics of GraphQL
    • Integrating GraphQL with Spring Boot

Professional Development

  • Certifications

    • Spring Certified Professional
    • AWS Certified Solutions Architect
    • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
  • Community Engagement

    • Participating in Conferences and Meetups
    • Contributing to Open Source Projects
  • Continuous Learning

    • Online Courses and Tutorials (Pluralsight, Udemy, Coursera)
    • Reading Technical Books and Blogs