Task Manager API

To see what the data looks like, simply connect to https://taskmanager01-api.herokuapp.com/tasks/

API Documentation

Postman Collection

Find the postman collection collection.json file in the documentation/postman/ folder.

Import the collection file into Postman and test the API.

For more information see https://www.postman.com/

Swagger OpenAPI

Find the OpenAPI definition swagger.json in the documentation/openapi/ folder.

You can use the swagger file to autogenerate clients, servers and documentation.

For more information see https://openapi-generator.tech/


Open the README in the documentation/markdown/ folder an.


Open the index.html file with your favorite browser. The file is in the documentation/html2/ folder.

Elm Frontend

Running Frontent

Try the app here: https://finnpedersenkazes.github.io/taskmanager-elm/

Elm App Code on GitHub

Take a look at the frontend source code here:
