Quickly change the case with one keybinding
Switch cases in "camelCase", "PascalCase" and "CONSTANT_CASE" with alt + q (windows) / ctrl + cmd+ c (mac).
You can also switch to "snake_case" and "kebab-case" if you like. You need set the key code by "ctrl + shift + P" and use the "Set Key Code" command.
All supported cases are below:
code | cases |
0 | camelCase |
1 | PascalCase |
3 | snake_case |
4 | kebab-case |
For example, if you set key code to 0234
. The action will be as below:
operation | times | action |
alt + q | first | to camelCase |
alt + q | second | to CONSTANT_CASE |
alt + q | third | to snake_case |
alt + q | forth | to kebab-case |
alt + q | fifth | to camelCase (again) |
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