
A compendium of FinOps projects and resources for optimally managing your Azure estate.


A compendium of FinOps projects and resources for optimally managing your Azure estate.

Resource Type Description
PS Rule for Azure - Cost Optimisation DevOps tooling PSRule automates checking of your resources or ARM infra template against Well Architected best practices.
Cost CLI CLI tool A CLI for the Azure Cost Management APIs
Azure Cost Estimator CLI / CICD tool Uses the Azure Pricing Calculator with your ARM template to estimate the monthly cost
Infracost Terraform price estimating tool
FinOps with Azure eBook A great guide of FinOps practices using standard Azure tools
Managing Costs in Azure eBook An executive summary of techniques to tame your monthly Azure infrastructure bill

A summary of the FinOps repositories in this organisation.

Repo FinOps Capability Azure Service
Azure-Sandbox-Subscription-Nightly-Cleanup Workload Management & Automation All
aks-cluster-changestate Workload Management & Automation AKS
opencost-on-aks Data Analysis and Showback AKS