
The FINOS Ambassador program aims to grow the organization's global presence by recognizing vocal advocates and expanding representation at external events. It encourages adoption and contributions to key projects while stimulating technical content production and attracting new contributors.


FINOS Ambassadors

Short blurb about what your project does.



List the roadmap steps; alternatively link the Confluence Wiki page where the project roadmap is published.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. ....

Get Involved: Contribute to FINOS Ambassadors

There are several ways to contribute to FINOS Ambassadors:

  • Join the next meeting: participants of the FINOS Ambassadors workstream meet... {meeting cadance}.

Find the next meeting on the FINOS projects calendar and browse past meeting minutes in GitHub.


This project uses the Community Specification License 1.0 ; you can read more in the LICENSE file.