Delivering open source software development best practices while enforcing security and legal compliance for the financial services industry .
- adamj-codethink
- alantanlcSingapore
- andrewdean
- andrewje
- ateeksar
- axlkurt
- bartek759
- bingenito@morganstanley
- bmorelax
- brooklynrob@jpmorganchase
- dewitt4USA
- dipaksarafkolkata India
- ekmixon
- etv14
- fleadsom
- Fringss
- grizzwolfFINOS & The Linux Foundation
- helenorem
- ik5:::1
- jessyica123Walsh
- js-ts@expanso
- krzychu99
- kziemskiQCOMPUTE
- marelos5
- newcoderagain
- nurfu
- prafullkotecha
- raijintl1
- rjwinchesterBoston, MA
- ronnaHarare, Zimbabwe
- sjn3333
- stjordanisGreece
- TheJuanAndOnly99Barcelona
- tiffonNew York, NY
- xxdarkatomxx
- ychoi-atopATOP CLOUD