
group array with given size

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Given an array of length >= 0, and a positive integer N, return the contents of the array divided into N equally sized arrays.


 * Returns an array divided into N equally sized arrays.
 * @param inputArray {Array} Array to divide
 * @param N {Integer} Size of groups

function groupArrayElements(inputArray, N){
    // get length of the input array
    const lenOfArray = inputArray.length;

    // calculate the minimum size in groups
    const minSize = Math.floor(lenOfArray / N);

    // remained count of the groups with not minSize.
    const remainedCount = lenOfArray % N;

    let results = [];
    while (inputArray.length) {
        const chunkSize = remainedCount > 0 ? minSize + 1 : minSize;

        if (chunkSize < 1) 
        results.push(inputArray.splice(0, chunkSize));
    return results;


// Divide in 3 arrays with same size
const result = groupArrayElements([1,2,3,4,5], 3);

// Outputs : [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5 ] ]