- 0
Update to TS
#77 opened by finwo - 2
NOT operator
#76 opened by paulcanning - 5
AND NOT - unexpected results
#55 opened by LittleUmbrella - 2
Filter list, comparison filter missing
#74 opened by paulcanning - 1
Regex support
#73 opened by paul-uz - 2
Object keys
#38 opened by laggingreflex - 3
Range is unimplemented
#47 opened by laggingreflex - 4
#37 opened by laggingreflex - 4
No implementation for >, >=, <, <=
#70 opened by paulcanning - 0
ISO date strings and >, >=, <. <=
#69 opened by paul-uz - 2
Matching score
#43 opened by finwo - 2
Thoughts on luce-filter
#48 opened by laggingreflex - 1
Queries with NOT in between throw error
#46 opened by laggingreflex - 1
- 1
What does OR NOT operator do?
#49 opened by laggingreflex - 1
Remove babel
#1 opened by finwo - 0
Add wildcard support
#2 opened by finwo - 0
Add similarity matching
#3 opened by finwo