

Primary LanguageGo


Usage of escpos-mqtt:
        should the message be printed bold
  -broker string
        mqtt broker to connect to as IP:Port
  -client-id string
        client id for mqtt client (default "escpos-mqtt")
  -config string
        TMT20II,TMT88II,SOL802 (default "TMT20II")
        should the paper be cut after a message
  -font-size int
        font size between 0 and 5 (default 1)
  -line-feeds-after int
        how many lines should be feeded after a message (default 1)
  -line-feeds-before int
        how many lines should be feeded before a message (default 1)
  -target string
        either IP:Port or /dev/ device file (default "/dev/usb/lp0")
  -topic string
        mqtt topic to listen on
  -topic-qos int
        quality of service. It must be 0 (at most once), 1 (at least once) or 2 (exactly one) (default 1)


escpos-mqtt allows using formatting strings inside the message. If a setting (e.g. the font-size) is overriden inside a template, the default won't kick back in inside the same message.

Formatting can be prevented by adding a backslash before a formatting sequence.

A formatting sequence is build like this:


Valid commands are:

  • BOLD
  • CUT

CONTENT is optional and only supported for BARCODE and QRCODE types. BOLD andREVERSE are booleans and can be used like that. BARCODE has the following arguments:

  • type UPCA, UPCE, EAN13, EAN8
  • x-size 2-6
  • y-size default is 162

QRCODE has the following arguments:

  • model 1, 2
  • size 1-16
  • correction 48-51
[](FONTSIZE,5)Big[](BOLD)Bold[](BOLD)[](REVERSE)Reversed Colors[](REVERSE)Text