is a data type available in Postgres 9.4+.
It offers some useful additional operators for your database queries.
- Ruby 2.3.7
- Rails 5.2.1
- Postgres 9.5.10
$ git clone git@github.com:louiseswift/learn_jsonb.git
$ cd learn_jsonb
# check your Ruby and Postgres versions and install the required versions,
# if they aren't already on your machine
$ ruby -v
$ postgres --version
$ gem install bundle # if you don't already have bundle installed
$ bundle
$ rake db:create && rake db:migrate
$ rails s
Open the project's user migration file in
to see how a jsonb attribute is added to a model, and how to create records for that model -
In your terminal, open a new terminal tab to run:
$ rails console
And then once the console is running:
User.first User.first.preferences
📝 Create a new user record in your database, with some different preferences data
Open up
to see how to usestore_accessor
on a model to make its JSON attributes available as properties via dot notation, and how it can help keep validations tidy -
To use these accessible properties, try the following in your console:
User.first.languages User.first.life_goals User.first.update(languages: ['ruby', 'javascript', 'doggo'])
For further manipulation of jsonb values, it can be useful to write custom queries that are executed as follows:
p = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection c = p.connection results = c.execute('SELECT * FROM users;') results.each { |result| puts result }
A query that will allow us to create or update values within a jsonb attribute is:
jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb, [create_missing boolean])
We could use this to change our first user's email opt-in setting:
p = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection c = p.connection sql = 'UPDATE users SET preferences = jsonb_set(preferences, \'{newsletter_opt_in}\', \'false\', FALSE) WHERE id = 1;' c.execute(sql) User.find(1).newsletter_opt_in # to confirm
Or we could delete the third language in their preferences:
p = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection c = p.connection sql = 'UPDATE users SET preferences = preferences #- \'{languages,2}\' WHERE id = 1;' c.execute(sql) User.find(1).languages # to confirm
To query records by values in a jsonb attribute the
operator asks whether the left-hand JSON value contains the right-hand JSON value in its top level:language_json = { languages: [ 'javascript' ] }.to_json users = User.where('preferences @> ?', language_json)
📝 Add a new life goal to any user
goal_json = { "text": "Play the drums", "priority": 3, "complete": false }.to_json
sql = "UPDATE users SET preferences = jsonb_set(preferences, '{life_goals,2}', '#{goal_json}', TRUE) WHERE id = 1;"
- 📝 Find a user whose life_goals include 'Learn jsonb', and update that goal to be complete
life_goal_json = { life_goals: [ { text: 'Learn jsonb' } ] }.to_json
user = User.where('preferences @> ?', life_goal_json).first
updated_goals_json = user.life_goals.map do |goal|
goal['text'] == 'Learn jsonb' ? goal.tap { |goal| goal['complete'] = true } : goal
sql = "UPDATE users SET preferences = jsonb_set(preferences, '{life_goals}', '#{updated_goal_json}', FALSE) WHERE id = #{user.id};"