
this is a rails 5 sample application with devise

Primary LanguageRuby

Basic rails 5 application with devise

This application has responsive mobile view and navigation, twitter bootstrap, devise, rails 5.0.0 and slim setup.

important features are:

  • ruby version 2.3.0

  • rails version 5.0.0

Devise configured modules are:

  • user log in

  • user registration

  • edit user

Important instructions:

  • strong parameters: if you add any new user attribute like I have added user first name and last name than you have to add those new attributes to permitted parameters configured inside application controller.

What have I missed:

I have missed several devise features like email confirmation, reset password, forget password, email handling of devise. I will cover them in my next rails 5 basic application, coming soon IA.


  • always use this command for bundle during development in local machine:

    bundle install --without production

  • always use this command for bundle for production environmnet:

    bundle install --without development test

  • Database creation and initialization:

    bundle exec rake db:setup

  • How to run the test suite:

    no test suite for now

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

    nothing yet

  • Deployment instructions

    nothing yet