This application is an example of an Elixir LiveView based desktop application. It uses the elixir-desktop library and a local SQLite database to create a web-technology based desktop app.
- Updated to Phoenix 1.6 with esbuild+dart_scss
- Added iOS platform example wrapper (see
- Added Android platform example wrapper (see
To run this app you need at least Erlang 24 and recent builds of wxWidgets and at least Elixir 1.11.4.
This example assumes you've got installed:
- git
- Elixir, at least 1.11.4
- Erlang, at least OTP 24
- npm
- C compiler (make/nmake) for SQLite
If you want to build for iOS you'll also need xcode and in order to build for Android you'll need the Android Studio.
cd assets
npm install
cd ..
mix assets.deploy