
Stream YouTube Audio in Godot Engine

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Godot Engine module for YouTube audio playback.


# Example usage of gdaudioyt in Godot Engine.
# https://github.com/nathanfranke/gdaudioyt/
extends Node

# There should be an AudioStreamPlayer child of this node.
onready var player: AudioStreamPlayer = $AudioStreamPlayer
# Reference to audio stream.
var stream := AudioStreamYT.new()

func _ready() -> void:
	# Get the YouTube video info.
	# Note: This is not required to play the audio.
	var info: VideoData = yield(YouTube.get_video("QPKKQnijnsM"), "completed")
	print(info.channel, ": ", info.title)

	# Set the YouTube ID.

	# Assign the stream and play it.
	player.stream = stream

# This part is optional, but useful to show the module's capabilities.
func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	# Seek left and right 5 seconds.
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
		player.seek(player.get_playback_position() - 5.0)
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right"):
		player.seek(player.get_playback_position() + 5.0)

	# Print current time and duration.
	print("%.3f/%.3f" % [player.get_playback_position(), stream.get_length()])


  • Webm parsing highly utilizes libmkv, which generously uses a permissive license.