Godot Fbx importer

A fbx importer for godot. The plugin converts from fbx to gltf2.

Assumes roughness materials.

Install Instructions

Install chocolatey.

chocolatey install cmake -y
choco install mingw -params "/exception:seh /threads:posix" --force

Download https://github.com/fire/com-chibifire-fbx-manifest.git

Follow instructions on repository page..

Download fbx20181_1_fbxsdk_vs2015 from https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/fbx-sdk-2018-1-1 and use 7zip to uncompress the installer to thirdparty/fbx20181_1_fbxsdk_vs2015_win.

# Use cmake to generate a visual studio project
# Build debug