This image runs mysqldump to backup data using cronjob to folder /backup
and then upload to S3.
MYSQL_HOST the host/ip of your mysql database
MYSQL_PORT the port number of your mysql database
MYSQL_USER the username of your mysql database
MYSQL_PASS the password of your mysql database
MYSQL_DB the database name to dump. Default: `--all-databases`
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID the AWS access key
S3_BUCKET the S3 bucket to upload into
S3_REGION the S3 bucket region
S3_PREFIX the S3 file prefix
CRON_TIME the interval of cron job to run mysqldump. `0 0 * * *` by default, which is every day at 00:00
docker run -d --network="XXX" --env-file="XXX.env" fire015/mysql-backup-s3