
Klipper & Mainsail for Creality Ender 3 s1 Pro 3D Printer

Primary LanguageShell

Klipper Mainsailos

❗ Warning ❗

❗ My printer is a Creality Ender 3 S1 is heavily modified:

Use at your own risk.


This is a configuration for Klipper and Mainsail on a Raspberry Pi for a Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro.

The configuration is based on Mainsailos and the following guides:

First of all install the MainSailOS with Raspberry Pi Imager.

Github Preparations

Note: Change the usernames and emails.

git config --global pull.rebase false
git config --global user.email "mainsailos@3os.re"
git config --global user.name "mainsailos@3os.re"

Raspberry Pi Configuration

Enable SPI and I2C

sudo raspi-config

Under Interfacing Options enable SPI and I2C

Install Additional Packages for "Input Shaping"

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3-numpy python3-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev

Then run the following:

~/klippy-env/bin/pip install -v numpy

Follow this docs:

Restore the configs

Backup the original config folder and create a symlink to git repo config folder

cd ~ 
rm -rf /home/pi/printer_data/config
git clone git@github.com:fire1ce/klipper-ender3-s1.git /home/pi/printer_data/config
ln -s /home/pi/printer_data/config /home/pi/configs


We will base our macros on the following repo:

To install the macros, first clone this repository inside of your printer_data/config directory with the following command.

git clone https://github.com/jschuh/klipper-macros.git /home/pi/printer_data/config/klipper-macros

Follow this for Slicer Configuration:

Setting up System Configs

oh-my-zsh config

rm -rf /home/pi/.zshrc
ln -s /home/pi/printer_data/config/.system-configs/zshrc /home/pi/.zshrc

SSH config

rm -rf /home/pi/.ssh/config
mkdir -p /home/pi/.ssh
ln -s /home/pi/printer_data/config/.system-configs/ssh_config /home/pi/.ssh/config

Pushing the configs to Github on change

Install inotify-tools for watching the config folder

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y inotify-tools

Log file will be created in /home/pi/git-push.log

Set the Cronjob with pi user (root not needed)

@reboot nohup /home/pi/printer_data/config/.system-configs/git-push.sh >> /home/pi/git-push.log /dev/null 2>&1 &

Setting up Dynamic Print Surfaces

Work In Progress

We will Set the Z Offset of the Probe to 0.0 and use the Dynamic Print Surface feature of Macros.

form macros-init.cfg we set the following:

variable_bed_surfaces: ['texture','smooth','pc',]

Display the surfaces with the following command * is the current active surface:


Let's show to to configure the texture surface.


Klipper Screen and WaveShare 7" DSI LCD

WaveShare 7" DSI LCD Official Page

Install the drivers for the LCD Display

Waveshare LCD Drivers Github Page

Install the drivers

cd ~
git clone git@github.com:waveshare/Waveshare-DSI-LCD.git
cd Waveshare-DSI-LCD

cd into the correct folder for your kernel version and the os type (32bit or 64bit)

sudo bash ./WS_xinchDSI_MAIN.sh 70C I2C1

Update the drivers

cd ~/Waveshare-DSI-LCD
git pull

cd into the correct folder for your kernel version and the os type (32bit or 64bit)

sudo bash ./WS_xinchDSI_MAIN.sh 70C I2C1

In my configuration i need to rotate the display and the touch input by 180°

The working solution i found is to use the KlipperScreen's way to rotate the display.

sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-monitor.conf

My config:

Section "Monitor"
    # This identifier would be the same as the name of the connector printed by xrandr.
    # it can be "HDMI-0" "DisplayPort-0", "DSI-0", "DVI-0", "DPI-0" etc
    Identifier "DSI-1"

    # Valid rotation options are normal,inverted,left,right
    Option "Rotate" "inverted"

    # May be necesary if you are not getting your prefered resolution.
    Option "PreferredMode" "1024x600"


Restart KlipperScreen Service

sudo service KlipperScreen restart

This should rotate the display of the KlipperScreen 180°

In order to rotate the touch input we need editing the /boot/config.txt config.

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

At the end of the config file after installing the WaveShare Drivers you should have the following:


We need to add invertedx,invertedy to the `dtoverlay=WS_xinchDSI_Touch' line.

The lcd part should look like this:


Reboot the Pi

At this point the display should be rotated 180° and the touch input should be rotated 180° and klipperScreen should be working.

Install KlipperScreen

Use kiauh to install KlipperScreen

kiauh Github Page


Follow any errors in the log file

sudo dmesg -w

"Klipper" - Services


systemctl status KlipperScreen


systemctl status crowsnest.service

(EE) xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (Permission denied)

Fix with:

sudo bash -c "echo needs_root_rights=yes>>/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config"

Failed to query (GET_INFO) UVC control 2 on unit 1: -32 (exp. 1).

This Error is from the Microphone on the USB Camera. You can black list the usb audio driver to prevent this error.

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
blacklist snd_usb_audio,snd_bcm2835