// all events
event TransferredSingleEdition(uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 indexed editionId, address from, address to);
event TransferredBatchEdition(uint256 indexed tokenId, address from, address[] to);
event TokenIssued(uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount, address indexed to);
event FollowOnEditionsIssued(uint256 indexed tokenId, uint256 amount, address indexed to);
// write date to contracts
issueProducts(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _supply, address _to, digitalizedProductsMeta memory _dpm, string memory _tokenURI );
issueFollowOnProducts(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _amount);
claimSingleEdition(uint256 _tokenId, address _to);
claimBatchEdition(uint256 _tokenId, address[] memory _accounts);
transferEdition(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _editionId, address _to);
setTokenURI(uint256 _tokenId, string memory _tokenURI);
// get contract storage
current(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns(uint256);
editionBalance(address _account, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns(uint256);
editionOwner(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _editionId) external view returns(address);
editionTotalSupply(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns(uint256);
tokenMeta(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (string memory, string memory,string memory,string memory,string memory);
tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view virtual override returns (string memory);
param name |
Type |
indexed |
tokenId |
uint256 |
- [ x ] |
editionId |
uint256 |
- [ x ] |
from |
address |
- [ ] |
to |
address |
- [ ] |
param name |
Type |
indexed |
tokenId |
uint256 |
- [ x ] |
from |
address |
- [ ] |
to |
address |
- [ ] |
param name |
Type |
indexed |
tokenId |
uint256 |
- [ x ] |
amount |
uint256 |
- [ ] |
to |
address |
- [ ] |
param name |
Type |
indexed |
tokenId |
uint256 |
- [ x ] |
amount |
uint256 |
- [ ] |
to |
address |
- [ ] |
caller: 合约管理员钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token id |
_supply |
uint256 |
版号发型总量 |
_to |
address |
ERC721 所有者地址(经销商/商家钱包地址) |
_dpm |
tuple |
实物商品 元数据 |
_tokenURI |
string |
ERC721 URI 超链接地址 |
digitalizedProductsMeta 数据结构如下
该数据结构为 tuple, 按照顺序依次填充以下对应数据类型
string name; //名称
string productId; // 商品编号
string productType; //商品类型
string authors; //作者
caller: 合约管理员钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_amount |
uint256 |
版号增发数量 |
该接口是将实物商品信息分发到单个用户地址,并按照合约逻辑分配商品附加版号, 该接口仅允许 ERC721 token 所有者 (商家钱包地址)调用
caller: ERC721 token(实物商品)持有者钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_to |
address |
商品接收者钱包地址 |
该接口是将实物商品信息分发到多个用户地址,并按照合约逻辑分配商品附加版号, 该接口仅允许 ERC721 token 所有者 (商家钱包地址)调用
caller: ERC721 token(实物商品)持有者钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_accounts |
address[] |
商品接收者钱包地址列表 |
caller: 版号持有者钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_editionId |
uint256 |
商品对应版号 |
_to |
address |
商品接收者钱包地址列表 |
更新 ERC721 描述信息
caller: 合约管理员钱包地址
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_tokenURI |
string |
ERC721 token URI |
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
Return name |
Type |
note |
_editionId |
uint256 |
对应 token 已经分配版到的版号 ID |
Input name |
Type |
note |
_account |
address |
实物商品持有者钱包地址 |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
Return name |
Type |
note |
_amount |
uint256 |
某个特定商品持有数量 |
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
_editionId |
uint256 |
实物商品中某个版号 ID |
Return name |
Type |
note |
_account |
address |
某个特定商品中对应版号的所有者 |
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
Return name |
Type |
note |
_amount |
uint256 |
某个特定商品总发行量 |
Input name |
Type |
note |
_tokenId |
uint256 |
ERC721 token ID |
Return name |
Type |
note |
_name |
string |
实物商品名称 |
_productId |
string |
实物商品 ID |
_productType |
string |
实物商品类型 |
_authors |
string |
作者 |