- 2
🐛 [firestore-send-email] Reconfiguring extension leads to "Function location processQueue would be changed during update" error
#2191 opened by hongaar - 0
[firestore-send-email] bump node version
#2277 opened by cedvdb - 6
- 0
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Version 0.1.57 fails to install in functions project
#2274 opened by aronsuarez - 0
- 0
- 3
🐛 fs-bq-schema-views - breaking changes in v0.4.9
#2248 opened by madmacc - 0
🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] import script: allow to set transformFunction option
#2142 opened by blikblum - 9
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Import Script Throws 'Request Entity Too Large'
#2132 opened by larstbone - 3
- 17
- 5
🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] Unable to stream Firestore DB to a different project
#2140 opened by KristofSochan - 0
🐛 [bq import script] - Data consistency
#2265 opened by cabljac - 1
🐛 [firestore-translate-text] The translation extension does not work with existing documents
#2257 opened by albashhhh - 2
storage-resize-image won't deploy because "Some services used by this extension have not been set up on your Firebase project."
#2253 opened by seanmavley - 2
🐛 [firestore-send-email] Workaround for deprecation of Outlook/Hotmail app passwords
#2136 opened by lucaout83 - 4
🐛 [Firestore-send-email] The default replyTo field is not overridden when using GMAIL smtp
#2186 opened by Dan1ell - 1
- 2
🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] gen-schema-view script: create optimal *view_latest query
#2143 opened by blikblum - 1
🐛 [firestore-translate-text] Error on updating Extension
#2108 opened by amin79 - 1
🐛 [firestore-counter] Unable to read shards during aggregation round, skipping... Error: 10 ABORTED: Aborted due to cross-transaction contention.
#2239 opened by mcarriere - 1
- 4
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Custom event handler for onSuccess not called
#2199 opened by myd-mannheim - 1
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Documentation for Import existing documents (backfill) is misleading
#2224 opened by pedro-iatzky - 0
[storage-resize-images] SVG files are uploaded with "+xml" appended to the extension
#2243 opened by salvia34 - 0
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🐛 firebase/firestore-bigquery-export: firestore extension doesn't support database?
#2211 opened by vipin-wellsky - 0
- 0
Uninstall Extension with Firebase CLI
#2221 opened by rafaelvetronetrimb - 0
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🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] Events stop streaming from firestore to bigquery, but fixed through extension update?
#2198 opened by leighajarett - 18
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Server returned 502 when mirroring data to BQ
#2133 opened by boywijnmaalen - 1
- 1
firebase/firestore-bigquery-export@0.1.55 - BigQuery Tables from Firebase Stream Gone
#2215 opened by dlbcrz - 1
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Table not partitioned despite using default _PARTITIONTIME pseudo column
#2196 opened by ytetsuro - 1
🐛 [ALGOLIA] Taking too long to process
#2201 opened by prachipal19 - 0
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] fs-bq-import-collection can crash with wildcard notation
#2202 opened by dhlanm - 1
- 0
🐛 [firebase/firestore-send-email] Generate message object also when using Handlebars templates
#2190 opened by lesqui23 - 0
🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] Firestore -> BigQuery extension drop records
#2179 opened by zeinabn3 - 0
🐛 [Resize Images] PNGs not getting converted.
#2178 opened by SwiftTrack - 3
🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Task size too large errors occuring even with EXCLUDE_OLD_DATA set to yes/true
#2111 opened by 747project - 0
🐛 [Stream Firestore to BigQuery] Limiting or Controlling the number of resources used for extension.
#2164 opened by siarheidudko - 1
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- 1
- 1
[firestore-send-email] Only works on (default) database
#2123 opened by BOXNYC - 1
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- 0
🐛 [EXTENSION_NAME_HERE] allow schedule email
#2109 opened by haitrungpham