
Autoresponse middleware using local data or proxy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


自动响应请求中间件,可用于本地搭建的 node web server 请求 mock,支持本地 mock 和 代理。


npm install autoresponse

Using with connect middleware

var autoresponse = require('autoresponse')({ 
    watch: true,      // reload autoresponse-config.js file when the file is changed
    logLevel: 'info'  // the log level to be printed

自动响应配置,可以通过上述参数配置传入,如果有频繁修改 mock 的映射的,建议通过 autoresponse-config.js 配置文件定义,关于配置说明请参考 examples 目录,否则可以直接通过创建 autoresponse 实例时候直接传入:

var autoresponse = require('autoresponse')({
    logLevel: 'info',
    post: true,
    get: {
        match: function (reqPathName) { // mock all `/xx/xx` path
            return !/\.\w+(\?.*)?$/.test(reqPathName);

推荐按上面方式进行 mock,简单直接,无需频繁添加 mock 请求:所有 post 请求 和 满足条件的 get 请求都将被 mock(要求 get pathname 为 /xx/xx 不带文件名后缀,可以根据实际业务情况,进行这个逻辑调整)。

默认的 mock 文件跟请求的路径名一一对应,比如:请求 a/b/c,则 mock 文件为:/mock/a/b/c.js。触发该 mock 请求的时候,默认如果 mock 文件不存在会自动创建该文件

mock 文件支持 jsjsonphp 等文件类型的 mock,对于使用 smarty 渲染的页面,也可以直接用 js 进行 mock,无需使用 php,更多 mock 配置和使用参见下面说明。

此外,mock 提供了一些常用的助手方法

Using with edp webserver

exports.getLocations = function () {
    return [
            location: '/', 
            handler: home( 'index.html' )
            location: /\.html\b.*$/,
            handler: [
        // ...
        require('autoresponse')('edp', { watch: true, logLevel: 'info' }),
            location: /^.*$/, 
            handler: [

A simple autoresponse configure example

Create autoresponse-config.js file in your web document root.

module.exports = {
    // The response directory to mock, by default is `mock`
    responseDir: './mock',

     * configure the `get` request, determine the request path and the file to be mocked.
     * You can also configure the `post` request and `query` params to mock.
     * More information, please refer to examples.
     * @type {boolean|Array}
    get: [
            match: '/b.html',
            mock: 'c.html'
            match: '/account/getUserInfo', // also support regex and function
            mock: {
                proxy: 'localhost:9090'  // use proxy
            // default mock file: <responseDir>/user/profile.js
            // it'will be processed as a node module by builtin js-processor
            match: '/user/profile' 
            match: '/data/list',
            mock: 'data/list.json'
            match: '/php',
            mock: {
                path: '/data/test.php' // rewrite request path
            match: '/a/b',
            mock: 'a/b.php' // mock with php file which is processed by php processor
        '/account/getUserInfo', // specify the match path
        function (reqPath, context) { // using function to determine which request to mock
            return {
                match: 'a/b'

Using smarty processor

Convert json data to html or html segment using smarty template engine.


// add this config to autoresponse
processor: {
    smarty: {
        // specify the initialize configure file, the file path is relative to `responseDir`
        // the file content you can refer below
        initerFile: './initer.php',

        // you also can specify your php-cgi path here, default using `php-cgi`
        php: {bin: '<php-cgi path>'}

// ============== initer.php ================

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$project_root = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));

require dirname($project_root) . '/libs/Smarty.class.php';

// initialize the smarty variable
$smarty = new Smarty;

$smarty->force_compile = true;
$smarty->debugging = false;
$smarty->caching = false;

// specify the delimiter chararter
$smarty->left_delimiter = '{';
$smarty->right_delimiter = '}';

// setting the template directory and output directory for compilation
$smarty->setTemplateDir($project_root . '/templates/');
$smarty->setCompileDir($project_root . '/templates_c/');
  • write smarty json data using js processor

    • output html document

      module.exports = function (path, queryParam, postParam) {
          return {
              // of course, you can specify the delay time with a random value between 0 and 100
              _timeout: '0,100',
              // if you wanna simulate the special status, you can use this
              _status: 404,
              // tell autoresponse that the json data will be processed by smarty processor
              _process: 'smarty',
              // the smarty template name will be rendered
              _tpl: 'a/b.tpl',
              // define the template data to be applied to smarty template file
              _data: {
                  extData: [],
                  tplData: {}
    • output json with smarty render result

      module.exports = function (path, queryParam, postParam) {
          return {
              // the json data will be processed by smarty processor
              _process: 'smarty',
              filters: [],
              // the smarty render result will be replaced as the value of `filterTpl`
              filterTpl: {
                   // the smarty template name will be rendered
                   _tpl: 'filter.tpl',
                   // define the template data to be applied to smarty template file
                   _data: {
                       extData: [],
                       tplData: {}

Using mock helper method

By default, if you use js file to mock, you can access mock global variable in your mock file.

The following methods are provided by default:

  • mock._: lodash variable

  • mock.m: moment variable

  • mock.fake(format, locale): the encapsulation of faker

    // more api and variable name, please refer faker api docs
  • mock.fakeCN(format): generate chinese locale random information

  • mock.fakeEN(format): is equivalent to mock.fake(format), generate english locale random information

  • mock.faker(locale): get faker instance with the specified locale, the locale argument is default english

More details, please refer to the annotation of autoresponse-config.js.