Implementation of Differentiable Neural Computer as close as possible to the description in the paper. Task: char-level prediction. The repo also includes simple RNN ( and LSTM ( Some external data (ptb, wiki) needs to be downloaded separately.
These versions are cleaned up.
RNN code based on original work by A.Karpathy (
- RNN version still depends only on numpy
- Added batching
- Modified RNN into an LSTM
- Includes gradient check
- LSTM-controller
- 2D memory array
- content-addressable read/write
- softmax on key similarity causes crashes (divide by 0) - if you experience this, need to restart
- dynamic memory allocation/free
- faster implementation (PyTorch?)
- saving the model
- sample
Time, iteration, BPC (prediction error -> bits per character, lower is better), processing speed
0: 4163.009 s, iter 104800, 1.2808 BPC, 1488.38 char/s
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the middle column has ranges of computed analytical and numerical gradients (these should match more/less)
Wxh: n = [-1.828500e-02, 5.292866e-03] min 3.005175e-09, max 3.505012e-07
a = [-1.828500e-02, 5.292865e-03] mean 5.158434e-08 # 10/4
Whh: n = [-3.614049e-01, 6.580141e-01] min 1.549311e-10, max 4.349188e-08
a = [-3.614049e-01, 6.580141e-01] mean 9.340821e-09 # 10/10
Why: n = [-9.868277e-02, 7.518284e-02] min 2.378911e-09, max 1.901067e-05
a = [-9.868276e-02, 7.518284e-02] mean 1.978080e-06 # 10/10
Whr: n = [-3.652128e-02, 1.372321e-01] min 5.520914e-09, max 6.750276e-07
a = [-3.652128e-02, 1.372321e-01] mean 1.299713e-07 # 10/10
Whv: n = [-1.065475e+00, 4.634808e-01] min 6.701966e-11, max 1.462031e-08
a = [-1.065475e+00, 4.634808e-01] mean 4.161271e-09 # 10/10
Whw: n = [-1.677826e-01, 1.803906e-01] min 5.559963e-10, max 1.096433e-07
a = [-1.677826e-01, 1.803906e-01] mean 2.434751e-08 # 10/10
Whe: n = [-2.791997e-02, 1.487244e-02] min 3.806438e-08, max 8.633199e-06
a = [-2.791997e-02, 1.487244e-02] mean 1.085696e-06 # 10/10
Wrh: n = [-7.319636e-02, 9.466716e-02] min 4.183225e-09, max 1.369062e-07
a = [-7.319636e-02, 9.466716e-02] mean 3.677372e-08 # 10/10
Wry: n = [-1.191088e-01, 5.271329e-01] min 1.168224e-09, max 1.568242e-04
a = [-1.191088e-01, 5.271329e-01] mean 2.827306e-05 # 10/10
bh: n = [-1.363950e+00, 9.144058e-01] min 2.473756e-10, max 5.217119e-08
a = [-1.363950e+00, 9.144058e-01] mean 7.066159e-09 # 10/10
by: n = [-5.594528e-02, 5.814085e-01] min 1.604237e-09, max 1.017124e-05
a = [-5.594528e-02, 5.814085e-01] mean 1.026833e-06 # 10/10