
Intelligent directory switching based on marker

Primary LanguageVim scriptMIT LicenseMIT


A cwd management tool for vim. Keep your cwd in sync with your workflow so that functions, plugins, and external commands can utilize getcwd() as a reliable current project directory.


  • Highly configurable current directory setter.
  • NERDTree integration. Keep NERDTree in sync with the output of this command.



Use the plugin manager of your choice to install. Example using dein. If using NERDTree integration and vim-devicons, this plugin must be sourced after vim-devicons to prevent conflict.

call dein#add('paroxayte/autocd.vim')


Below are some configuration examples. For a full list of configuration options see :help autocd.vim-configuration


Autocd works by processing various triggers each associated with a mark. When a trigger goes off, autocd searches up the directory heiarchy looking for a specified marker. For instance if creating a java project with maven there will be a pom.xml in the project root. To automatically change to the root of a maven java project with :Autocd

let g:autocd#markers = {
\  '*.java': ['pom.xml']

To automatically cd to project root of vscode, eclipse, or git projects.

let g:autocd#markers = {
\   '*user/Dev*': ['.project', '.vscode', '.git']

To create special rules for a specific file, the file's full path can be used with g:autocd#markers.

let g:autocd#markers = {
\   '/path/to/file': ['some_marker']


If search for markers fail, a default action can be preformed. To enable this g:autocd#markers_default = 1 must be set. By default, the behavior is the same as autochdir, switching to the current file's containing directory. To modify this behavior g:autocd#makers_get_default() may be overridden. The function is expected to return a string representing the desired directory, or a integer to represent failure. For more information see :help g:autocd#makers_get_default()

NERDTree Sync

To enable NERDTree synchronization g:autocd#nts_enable = 1 must be set at startup. Alternatively the functions autocd#nts_enable() and autocd#nts_disable() may be called to change the state of this feature post startup.

Commands & Autocommands

The sole command of Autocd is :Autocd. To run :Autocd automatically on BufEnter g:autocd#autocmd_enable = 1 must be set on startup.

Example Configuration

let g:autocd#nts_enable = 1
let g:autocd#autocmd_enable = 1
let g:autocd#markers_default = 1
let g:autocd#markers = {
\   '*.java' : ['pom.xml'],
\   '*/user/Dev/*': ['.project', '.vscode', '.git'],

More Information

For more information see :help autocd.vim


See contributing.

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