
This tool is a wrapper of the arXiv API that allows you to retrieve metadata of articles published on arXiv as Pandas dataframe.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

arXiv Loader

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This tool is a wrapper of the arXiv API that allows you to retrieve metadata of articles published on arXiv as pandas.DataFrame.
Please abide by the Terms of Usage of the arXiv API.


pip install arxivloader


Please consult the arXiv API documentation for help in constructing a valid query string.

Searching by keyword

To search for a keyword the query needs to start with search_query= followed by a prefix and the search word.
Possible prefixes are

Prefix Explanation
ti Title
au Author
abs Abstract
co Comments
jr Journal Reference
cat Subject Category
rn Report Number
id arXiv ID
all All of the above

Please have a look at the arXiv API documentation for details.

import arxivloader

keyword = "DustPy"
prefix = "all"
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword)
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]

df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)
id title authors
0 2207.00322v2 DustPy: A Python Package for Dust Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks Sebastian Markus Stammler; Tilman Birnstiel
1 2110.04007v1 The formation of wide exoKuiper belts from migrating dust traps E. Miller; S. Marino; S. M. Stammler; P. Pinilla; C. Lenz; T. Birnstiel; Th. Henning

Searching by id

To search for a specific arXiv ID the query needs to start with id_list= followed by a comma-separated list of arXiv IDs:

import arxivloader

IDs = ["1909.04674", "1909.10526"]
query = "id_list={}".format(",".join(IDs))
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]

df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)

id title authors
0 1909.04674v1 The DSHARP Rings: Evidence of Ongoing Planetesimal Formation? Sebastian M. Stammler; Joanna Drazkowska; Til Birnstiel; Hubert Klahr; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Sean M. Andrews
1 1909.10526v1 Including Dust Coagulation in Hydrodynamic Models of Protoplanetary Disks: Dust Evolution in the Vicinity of a Jupiter-mass Planet Joanna Drazkowska; Shengtai Li; Til Birnstiel; Sebastian M. Stammler; Hui Li

Filtering specific articles by keywords

If both, search_query= and id_list= are present, the given arXiv articles are filtered by the give key word.

import arxivloader

keyword = "DSHARP"
prefix = "ti"
IDs = ["1909.04674", "1909.10526"]
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}&id_list={ids}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword, ids=",".join(IDs))
columns = ["id", "title", "authors"]

df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns)

id title authors
0 1909.04674v1 The DSHARP Rings: Evidence of Ongoing Planetesimal Formation? Sebastian M. Stammler; Joanna Drazkowska; Til Birnstiel; Hubert Klahr; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Sean M. Andrews

Searching by date

It is possible to only retrieve entries in a specified date window.
This query selects all publications that have been submitted to astro-ph.EP on July 1st 2022 between 8am and 1pm.

import arxivloader

prefix = "cat"
cat = "astro-ph.EP"
submittedDate = "[20220701080000+TO+20220701130000]"
query = "search_query={pf}:{cat}+AND+submittedDate:{sd}".format(pf=prefix, cat=cat, sd=submittedDate)
columns = ["id", "title", "authors", "published"]

df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns, sortBy="submittedDate", sortOrder="ascending")
id title authors published
0 2207.00273v1 Whistler Waves As a Signature of Converging Magnetic Holes in Space Plasmas Wence Jiang; Daniel Verscharen; Hui Li; Chi Wang; Kristopher G. Klein 2022-07-01 08:55:54
1 2207.00322v2 DustPy: A Python Package for Dust Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks Sebastian Markus Stammler; Tilman Birnstiel 2022-07-01 10:25:59

Searching by category

It is possible to search large number of articles by category. Please be responsible with the traffic this query causes.

import arxivloader

keyword = "astro-ph.EP"
prefix = "cat"
query = "search_query={pf}:{kw}".format(pf=prefix, kw=keyword)
columns = ["id", "title", "primary_category", "categories", "published"]

df = arxivloader.load(query, columns=columns, sortBy="submittedDate", sortOrder="descending", num=1000, page_size=100)

id title primary_category categories published
0 2210.11357v1 The Key Factors Controlling the Seasonality of Planetary Climate physics.ao-ph physics.ao-ph; astro-ph.EP 2022-10-20 15:45:43
1 2210.11305v1 On the origin of the dichotomy of stellar activity cycles astro-ph.SR astro-ph.SR; astro-ph.EP 2022-10-20 14:34:33
2 2210.11207v1 $\texttt{KOBEsim}$: a Bayesian observing strategy algorithm for planet detection in radial velocity blind-search astro-ph.EP astro-ph.EP; astro-ph.IM 2022-10-20 12:33:03
3 2210.11103v1 Lower-than-expected flare temperatures for TRAPPIST-1 astro-ph.SR astro-ph.SR; astro-ph.EP 2022-10-20 08:55:47
4 2210.10909v1 TOI-3884 b: A rare 6-R$_{\oplus}$ planet that transits a low-mass star with a giant and likely polar spot astro-ph.EP astro-ph.EP 2022-10-19 22:19:15


arxivloader.load() has several keyword arguments:

Keyword Default value Description
num 10 Maximum total number of entries to be retrieved.
start 0 Starting index of query.
page_size 10 The entries are retrieved in pages. The maximum allowed page size is 30000.
delay 3. Delay in seconds between page requests.
sortBy "relevance" Possible values: "relevance", "lastUpdatedDate", "submittedDate".
sortOrder "descending" Possible values: "descending", "ascending".
columns ["id", "title", "summary", "authors", "primary_category", "categories", "comments", "updated", "published", "doi", "links"] List of the columns the pandas.DataFrame should contain.
timeout 10. Timeout in seconds for a single page.
verbosity 2 Level of verbosity.

The default options are usually good enough.
The delay has to be at least three seconds to be fair with the load on the arXiv API.
It can happen that the arxiv API does not respond for a query. timeout will set the time after which arxivloader assumes a failed attempt and will retry at most five times. Please note, that timeout needs to be larger than the arXiv API takes to process the query, which depends on page_size. Consider two minutes for ten thousand entries in a page.
If verbosity is 0, arxivloader will not display anything on screen. If verbosity is 1, arxivloader will print out the number of retrieved entries at the end of execution. If verbosity is 2, arxivloader will additionally show a progess bar.


Thank you to arXiv for use of its open access interoperability.