
My personal Kubernetes cluster using k3s, flux, renovate, and more.


My personal Kubernetes cluster using k3s, flux, renovate, and more.


Use Ansible to setup OS level applications, software, and Kubernetes deployment of k3s.

# run this once at the very beginning
# Github PAT: https://github.com/settings/tokens
# full "repo" and "admin:org" permissions seemed to be sufficient
# creates the Github repo if it doesn't exist
# creates the "flux-system" namespace in our Kubernetes cluster and some pods, see: kubectl get pods -n flux-system
# https://github.com/firefly2442/my-flux-kubernetes
export GITHUB_TOKEN=secret
flux bootstrap github --token-auth --owner=firefly2442 --repository=my-flux-kubernetes --branch=master --path=clusters/home --personal --private=false

Development Notes

pip3 install pre-commit
# lint and check all files
pre-commit run --all-files
# convert a 'ClusterIP' type to a 'LoadBalancer' type so it gets an IP address from metallb
kubectl patch svc <service-name> -n <namespace> -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
kubectl get svc -A


# check the sha1 hash to whatever the latest hash is in the repo to ensure it's updating properly
kubectl get gitrepositories.source.toolkit.fluxcd.io -n flux-system
# watch it look for changes as the interval applies
flux get kustomizations --watch
# check deployments
flux -n default get hr
# to force a HelmRelease reconciliation, use suspend then resume
flux suspend hr my-helmrelease -n myhelmrelease-ns
flux resume hr my-helmrelease -n myhelmrelease-ns
