- 0
Using absolute paths in require calls
#67 opened by janodvarko - 1
- 2
Upgrading React to v16.8.6
#62 opened by MikeRatcliffe - 8
Stop supporting backward compatibility until we have a technical solution to support it
#65 opened by juliandescottes - 3
DevTools RFC team link is broken
#64 opened by past - 4
Adopt Prettier
#63 opened by jasonLaster - 0 file missing
#60 opened by Mozilla-GitHub-Standards - 8
- 10
Changing remote debugging deprecation
#51 opened by ochameau - 6
Forcing separation for let and const
#57 opened by zoepage - 8
ES6 Class for protocol.js Fronts
#56 opened by ochameau - 13
Create a devtools CSS framework
#54 opened by nt1m - 14
- 4
Charter for Debug Info API Standard
#52 opened by codehag - 8
- 11
Naming convention for react component files
#17 opened by janodvarko - 36
Use floating scrollbars in light theme
#27 opened by juliandescottes - 12
Standardize DevTools Panel initialization
#48 opened by juliandescottes - 12
ESLint & Developer Tools
#30 opened by Standard8 - 11
Create a new DevTools product on bugzilla, move all our bugzilla components under it and all our bugilla bugs
#29 opened by captainbrosset - 12
Discussion: use of let and const
#44 opened by codehag - 4
- 7
- 25
DevTools Core V2
#40 opened by jasonLaster - 14
Code Review Policy in DevTools
#41 opened by gregtatum - 3
- 7
- 14
Consider removing the Firebug theme
#42 opened by nt1m - 17
Discussion about DEBUG_JS_MODULES and DEBUG
#36 opened by julienw - 11
Switch to native EventTarget when possible
#39 opened by nchevobbe - 15
Drop the left paren space function() {}
#38 opened by jasonLaster - 10
- 15
Sentence spacing style in comments
#37 opened by jryans - 20
- 10
HOCs proposal for performance analysis
#34 opened by MikeRatcliffe - 9
Remove mozilla/devtools repo
#32 opened by jryans - 8
New devtools-components bundle
#31 opened by nchevobbe - 8
Remove 'devtools reload' addon?
#28 opened by bgrins - 6
Remove createFactory calls
#26 opened by nchevobbe - 6
- 10
- 13
Don't require review for pure version bumps
#21 opened by tromey - 4
- 2
build eslint file based on pre-configured rules
#13 opened by gasolin - 0
es6 modules
#8 opened by clarkbw - 0
es6 classes
#7 opened by clarkbw - 0
- 10
Scope of RFCs to be discussed here
#19 opened by juliandescottes - 3
move rfcs into devtools-core
#15 opened by gasolin - 1
add section regarding remark / linting process
#12 opened by clarkbw