
Various CST Microvawe Studio macros for antenna designing developed during my PhD reasearch at Voronezh State University.

MIT LicenseMIT

Various macros for CST Microwave Studio

This project contains some scripts in Visual Basic for Applications which were useful for me during my PhD research at Voronezh State University. I hope they can be useful for somebody else too.


First of all, I'd like to apologise for the language. Visual Basic is a terrible option, being “for Applications” just makes it worse, not better. Moreover, CST (at least, version 2012) has a bug which will not allow you to use your own functions and subroutines freely. I'm very sorry if your eyes are to tear blood tears, but I really tried to make my code as readable as it possible in that circumstances.


To make use of a script, create a new CST's macro with arbitrary name by using “Macro → Make VBA Macro...”. Then just replace generated code by copying and pasting. Don't forget to read a comment at the beginning of the script code as it may give you some important information.

There is another option of installing all of scripts at once: just copy “VSU” subdirectory under “%PROGRAM_FILES%\CST STUDIO SUITE 2012\Library\Macros” or simular path, depending on your installation.


Most of these scripts were developed by me, Pavel Kretov, and provides under the terms of MIT License. So use can use them mostly as you wish, but I'd very appreciate if you let me know of any bugs found.

Some substantial work is also credited to Nikolay Lysenko.