🌈 FireHydrant Design System 🦄
FireHydrant flavored React component library, built using Chakra UI, and a custom theme layer.
The package is registered on GitHub's package registry, added via .npmrc
Access to this registry requires authentication with GitHub tokens. These tokens are private and should not be committed to any project, accessed instead via environment variable.
GitHub token as environment variable
Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens and create a token with at least
access -
Set the token (paste into either
)export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your token>
Open a new terminal window (or
the edited.*rc
Add to project
yarn add @firehydrant/design-system
npm i @firehydrant/design-system --save
Our components require a ThemeProvider
to wrap your application. By default the FireHydrant theme is included with our provider.
// import themeprovider from our package
import { ThemeProvider } from '@firehydrant/design-system';
// wrap your application
<App />
For a list of all components & properties, refer to Storybook
💡 Want to contribute? Check out the Contributing Guidelines
Contributions of any kind are welcome!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Casey Hunt |
Jax Engel |
Josh Hamilton |
Robert Ross |
Hilary Beck |
Brian Han |
Tristan Free |
This project follows the all-contributors specification.
Interested in what changed lately? Check out the CHANGELOG
Thank you to the following projects, upon which this Design System is built:
- Chromatic
↗️ - Storybook hosting; component feedback & regression testing chakra-ui
↗️ - React component librarystorybook
↗️ - Component visualization & documentation toolseek-oss/playroom
↗️ - Component live sandboxconventional-changelog/standard-version
↗️ - A utility for versioning using semver and CHANGELOG generation powered by Conventional Commits.