Active Learning tutorial

In this tutorial, we will code the most common active learning model---expected information gain---in the simplest scenario---finding decision boundary in 1d discrete space. The file provides a template.

The template already contains some functions (see comments in the functions for specifications):

  • def create_boundary_hyp_space(n_features): generates the simplest hypothesis space.
  • def init_prior(n_hyp, n_features, n_labels): initializes prior.
  • def likelihood(n_features, n_labels, hyp_space): generates the likelihood.
  • def entropy(prob_vec): outputs the entropy of the input probability vector.


Write the content of the following functions (see comments in the functions for more details):

  • def posterior(xs, ys, prior, lik): This function implements Bayes' rule to calculate the posterior. In this simple scenario, Bayes' rule is really just simple multiplications, additions, and division.
  • def predictive(prior, lik): This function calculates the predictive distribution.
  • def expected_information_gain(prior, lik): This function calculates the expected information gain of each feature. Note that you will want to calculate imagined posteriors (i.e., what the posterior would be given a particular pair of x',y) as well as the predictive distribution from "prior" and "lik" in this function.

After completing these functions, run the lines under the section named # a test case. (Just run python in the terminal.) The outputs printed in the terminal should match those in the comments.

After testing these functions, go on to the section named # active-learning loop and fill in the code by following the comments.

There are altogether 5 places for you to fill in the details (search for "# fill in details") in

Here is an overview of the scenario and notation. The hypothesis takes the form:

[[1 1 1]  
[1 1 0]  
[1 0 0]  
[0 0 0]]

Each row is a hypothesis h, so n_hyp = 4.
Each column is a feature x, so n_features = 3.
There are two kinds of labels y, 0 or 1, so n_labels = 2.

Let the prior be P(h), the likelihood be P(y|x,h), then the posterior is P(h|x,y) = P(y|x,h)P(h) / [sum_h P(y|x,h)P(h)].
The predictive distribution is P(y|x) = sum_h p(y|x,h)P(h), where P(h) can really be the prior or the posterior.

The expected information gain is given by EIG(x') = [sum_y P(y|x')H(h|y,x')] - H(h), where H(a) is the entropy of the probability distribution P(a). So, H(h|y,x') is the entropy of a posterior, and H(h) is the entropy of the prior.

An active-learning involves: defining a concept space, assigning an underlying true hypothesis, selecting a feature to probe via an objective (expected information gain), observe the label, compute the posterior to update the current belief, and repeat the last three steps until a stopping criterium is met.

Additional exercises

  • (Recommended.) Code the expected information gain in the Bayesian active-sensing style.
    Formally, BAS(x') = [sum_h P(h)H(y|x',h)] - H(y|x'), where H(y|x',h) is the entropy of the likelihood, and H(y|x') is the entropy of the the prior predictive. Note that the entropy in the EIG formulation is over P(h|...), whereas the entropy in this BAS formulation is over P(y|...). Test this function as you tested def expected_information_gain(prior, lik) in the test case section. It should give the same answer.

  • (May be fun.) Active learning on simplified game of battleship.
    Check out the function def create_line_hyp_space(n_features). This function generates a hypothesis space where the hypotheses are all possible unbroken line segments. Write a function that generates a hypothesis space that contains all single rectangles. This is akin to the game of battleship with a single ship of any size. See if the active learning algorithm is sensible.

  • (Rough and tough.) Active learning on hierarchical concept space.
    Code a hierarchical hypothesis of the form: h_1 = [p_1', p_2', ...]; h_2 = [p_1'', p_2'', ...]; h_3=.... The p_1' and p_1'' can be anything, e.g., [1,1,1] or [1,0,0]. If we choose the p's to be discretized and binarized version of 2d images generated by 2d Gaussian processes, we can get a discretized and binarized version of the active-sensing task studied in this paper. The prior will now be over both h and p, P(h,p). The likelihood will take the form P(y|x,p,h). The posterior will be P(p,h|xs,ys). Code expected information gain for this hierarchical concept space. See equations (1)--(3) and descriptions around the equations in this paper for more details.


This tutorial is made for a session in the online machine learning PhD summer school at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). My introduction slides can be found in this repo. I will put my solution to the basic exercise and the first additional exercise in this repo at the end of the session.