Object (and Edge) Detection in Nvidia Isaac using Python

As it says on the tin.


Make sure you have Nvidia Isaac (2020.2) set up. Clone the repo in the sdk/apps directory

~/isaac/sdk/apps$ git clone https://github.com/firekind/isaac_object_detection


Using V4L2 Camera

To run the application using a V4L2 camera, attach the camera and note its device id. Edit the device_id under the config section of graphs/detection.app.json file. Then, in the sdk directory, run:

~/isaac/sdk$ bazel run //apps/isaac_object_detection:object_detection

and open localhost:3000 on the browser to see the results.

Using Isaac Sim (Unity 3d)

Make sure Isaac Sim (Unity 3d) is downloaded, and a scene from isaac sim is running. A scene can be started using:

~/isaac-sim-unity3d$ ./builds/factory_of_the_future.x86_64 --scene Factory01 --scenario 17

And then run the application using:

~/isaac/sdk$ bazel run //apps/isaac_object_detection:object_detection -- --simulate

and open localhost:3000 on the browser to see the results.