
VS Code extension to Write/Debug/Build/Test iOS applications on Visual Studio Code

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

vscode-ios README

Write/Build/Debug/Test your xCode projects in VS Code with your favorite extensions


  • Swift/Objective-C/C++ autocompletion
  • Compatibility with CodeLLDB
  • Debug/Run iOS app
  • Debug/Run unit/snapshot tests. Support running single/multiple tests for a class/target/set of classes
  • Run an application on multiple simulator with a single command
  • Support project/workspace and iOS Package.swift
  • Support launch configuration for app
  • Support diff snapshots testing
  • Add/Delete/Rename/Move files/folders inside vscode
  • VS Code workspace generation based on Xcode project/workspace
  • Parsing build/test logs and display in Problems panel in real time

Instead of xCode preview you can use hot reloading InjectionIII which works great with this extension:


To use this extension you need to install also:

  • CodeLLDB

  • Swift

  • Python Debugger - needed to run the app not in the debug mode

  • Xcode

  • xcbeautify tool to prettify the building log output:

    brew install xcbeautify
  • xcodeproj gem library to make possible to add/delete/rename files in your Xcode project directly from vs code.

    gem install xcodeproj

Note: As sourcekit-lsp updates indexes while building, If you want to have indexes updating even if you have compile errors, you need to give a full disk control to Visual Studio Code in Security Settings which allows to install a proxy service for Apple XCBBuildService automatically when an extension is activated. This's just needed to override the continueBuildingAfterError property when you build the app and gives you all errors in the project and compile flags possible used by sourcekit for indexing.

How to build/install extension from a repo

Open terminal to install required libraries (Also make sure you've installed Xcode, xcbeautify, xcodeproj):

  • install pyinstaller and psutil (needed to build Xcode proxy build service)
pip install pyinstaller
pip install psutil
  • install npm
brew install node
  • clone git repo and update submodules:
git clone https://github.com/fireplusteam/ios_vs_code.git
git submodule update --init --recursive
  • install vsce package
brew install vsce
    1. Open Visual Studio Code.
    2. Press Cmd+Shift+P to open the Command Palette.
    3. Type: Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.
  • navigate to repo folder in your terminal and run:


If everything configured right, the extension should be built and installed to vs code automatically.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • vscode-ios.watcher: Enable/disable the autocomplete watch build to update indexes whenever a new file added/renamed/moved/deleted/etc.

Known Issues

  • You still need Xcode to use SwiftUI preview or edit storyboard/assets/project settings.
  • sourcekit-lsp use indexing while build. if you find definition or references is not work correctly, just build it to update index or restart Swift LSP in VS Code.
  • When running for the first time, you need to ensure that the log is complete, otherwise some files cannot obtain the correct flags.

Release Notes


It's still under development, so you can face some bugs