
Send emails and text messages via the same API in C#

Primary LanguageC#Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Butterfly.Message Butterfly Logo

Send emails and text messages via the same API in C#

Install from Nuget

Name Package Install
Butterfly.Message nuget nuget install Butterfly.Message
Butterfly.Message.Aws nuget nuget install Butterfly.Message.Aws
Butterfly.Message.Twilio nuget nuget install Butterfly.Message.Twilio

Install from Source Code

git clone https://github.com/firesharkstudios/butterfly-message


Any files parsed with the .liquid extension will use the excellent Scriban template engine which is based on the Liquid template language.

// Parse messages
var sendMessageFileParser = new SendMessageFileParser();
var welcomeEmailSendMessage = sendMessageFileParser.Parse("welcome-email.liquid");
var welcomeTextSendMessage = sendMessageFileParser.Parse("welcome-text.liquid");

// Setup notify manager
var sendMessageQueueManager = new SendMessageQueueManager(
    emailMessageSender: new AwsSesEmailMessageSender(options.AwsAccessKeyId, options.AwsSecretAccessKey),
    textMessageSender: new TwilioTextMessageSender(options.TwilioAccountSid, options.TwilioAuthToken)

// Send welcome email
var welcomeEmail = welcomeEmailSendMessage.Evaluate(new Dict {
    ["first_name"] = "Kent",
    ["to"] = "kent@fireshark.com",

// Send welcome text
var welcomeText = welcomeTextSendMessage.Evaluate(new Dict {
    ["first_name"] = "Kent",
    ["to"] = "+13165551212",

Example of the welcome-email.liquid file...

From: Kent Johnson <kent@fireshark.com>
To: {{ first_name }} <{{ to }}>
Subject: Welcome

Hello, {{ user.first_name }}.  To get started, do these things. 

Example of the welcome-text.liquid file...

From: +13165551212
To: {{ to }}

Hello, {{ user.first_name }}.  To get started, do these things. 

While any database engine supported by Butterfly.Db can be used, here is the MySQL syntax for creating the required tables...

CREATE TABLE send_message (
  id varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  message_type tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  message_priority tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  message_from varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  message_to varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  message_subject varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  message_body_text mediumtext,
  message_body_html mediumtext,
  extra_json varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  sent_at int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  send_error varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  sent_message_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  created_at int(11) NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY sent_message_id (sent_message_id),
  KEY other (message_type,sent_at,message_priority,created_at)

CREATE TABLE send_verify (
  contact VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  verify_code INT NOT NULL,
  expires_at INT NOT NULL,
  created_at INT NOT NULL,
  updated_at INT NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY contact (contact)


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


The code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.