Quick start

Make sure docker is running, then:

git clone && \
  cd && \
  yarn && \
  yarn add -D supabase && \
  yarn debug

^ Installs the app and runs e2e tests in debug mode. (Good for a quick overview of all the app does).

Local Dev

Install the supabase cli (this needs to be done manually to get the cli bin):

yarn add -D supabase

Start supabase (make sure docker is running). This will run in background without taking a terminal, use npx supabase stop to end it.

npx supabase start --debug

Start dev server:

yarn dev

To watch tailwind styles, run this in another terminal while developing:

 npx tailwindcss -i ./src/index.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch

Prod Build

yarn build


Manual. Run build and then drop /dist into Netlify buccket (Will automate later)


Note: will drop all data from tables when you run it.

yarn test

To step through tests:

yarn debug