
Command Line Interpreter for Performance Testing

Primary LanguagePython

Command Line Interpreter with Machine Guns :D

Fancy Name definitely NOT inspired from Bees With machine Guns ;).

This is a tool to write Performance/Stress Testing Python scripts which will run off the Multi-Mechanize.

The cool thing about this tool is that you surf the website and you write your test scripts on the fly via the Command line interpreter using python library cmd2 library which is an extension to the python cmd library.

This is part of the GSoC 2012 Application for the Learning Unlimited Organization.


To use this script you'll need to install the following on a Ubuntu Based System. Note the script was tested on Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit System.

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install cmd2
$ sudo pip install mechanize
$ sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
$ sudo pip install -U multi-mechanize

How to Use it

First clone the repo if you haven't already

$ git clone git@github.com:firesofmay/CLI_with_Machine_Guns.git
$ cd CLI_with_Machine_Guns/

Let's fire up the cliwmg script. Note <RETURN> means hitting the Enter Key. and <TAB>means hitting the Tab key.

$ python cliwmg.py<RETURN>


Now you are inside the CLI. It behaves very similar to the standard bash shell. Try pressing Tab Twice.

>>> <TAB><TAB>
EOF               cmdenvironment    eof               l                 pause             run               shortcuts
_load             controls_set      exit              li                py                save              show
_relative_load    controls_show     help              list              q                 select_form       start
back              ed                hi                load              quit              set               
click             edit              history           open_current_url  r                 shell             

It shows you all the commands that you can excute. Some of them are inbuilt to the cmd2 module while some are commands specific to this script.

Let's start with the start command.

>>> start<RETURN>
Taking Default URL : https://dev2.learningu.org/

Page Title : ESP

start command initializes your mechanize module with the url given. if no url is given it takes a default url https://dev2.learningu.org/ otherwise you can specifiy it as a paramater like >>> start http://www.example.com

It shows you the Page Title after opening that URL inside of mechanize. Which you can check is ESP for the default URL.

Now lets Try registring yourself as a user. We have a command called as click. Oh by the way you don't need to type the whole command just type cl and it'll finish it for you. Give a space and press TAB again to see what are the Links you can click on. It shows you the Text Label of the links available on that page.

>>> cl<TAB>
>>> click <TAB>
Administration_pages                               For_Teachers
Click_here                                         For_Volunteers
Cnn.com                                            Login_Help
ESP                                                Logout
Edit_Announcement/Links                            Manage_Programs
Edit_Navigation_Categories                         More_Information
Edit_Navigation_Links                              On-Site_Registration
Edit_News                                          Register
For_Students                                       Unmorph_to_document.write(esp_user.cur_retTitle);

We wanted to Sign up right? So lets click on Register. Oh wait. Who wants to type the whole word, Just type r (yeah it'll take care of the case senstivity too).

>>> click r<TAB> 
>>> click Register<RETURN>

URL : /myesp/register

Text : Register


Page Title : Create a new user account

Great we are inside the User Creation Page. :) Why you no believe me? Okay fine. You check it yourself. So we have a command called as open_current_url. Lets check its docstring by doing a help on it.

>>> help open_current_url<RETURN>
Stores the current URL's data in to the current directory of the script and saves it as debug.html.
Opens it in your default browser for debugging. >>> open_current_url

Okay Cool. Every Command has its own docstring you can check for help.

>>> open_current_url<RETURN>

It should have opened the current Registration page in your default browser. You can see we are indeed inside the Sign Up Page.

Okay close it and come back to the console.

We want to fill the form, so lets see what all forms do we have?

>>> sel<TAB>
>>> select_form <TAB>
loginform     newuser_form  
>>> select_form n<TAB><RETURN>
Form Selected : newuser_form

Okay great. The form is selected. Lets see what all Parameters it has.

>>> co<TAB>
>>> controls_sh<TAB>
>>> controls_show<RETURN>

Okay. So how do we fill it up? Well we have a command that Automatically generates random credentials for text, password and email type values. For drop down values it selects it based on random values as of now.

>>> controls_set
<SelectControl(initial_role=[, *Student, Teacher, Guardian, Educator, Volunteer])>
<SubmitControl(submit=Create account, proceed to profile creation) (readonly)>
Title of the Current Page : Profile Editor

Note how the values were Generated and submitted automatically for you. :) Okay so lets sign out. How? Well we "Click" on it! ;)

>>> cl<TAB>
>>> click <TAB>
>>> click logo<TAB>
>>> click logout<RETURN>
URL : /myesp/signout/

Text : Logout


Page Title : Goodbye

To save all the commands you just executed exactly in the order, we execute the >>> save * democommands.txt command. Do a help on save to see more on this inbuilt command.

>>> save * democommands.txt

Oh did I tell you you can all the bash commands inside of this CLI using a ! ?

>>> !ls

Above will behave just like the ls command.

So lets see what we have inside the command.txt which I created using the CLI as a demo for testing. :)

>>> !cat command.txt

click Register

select_form newuser_form


click Logout

save * command.txt >>> 

And lets quit the program. :)

>>> quit
You are awesome! Cya Soon!

Good Job :)

Okay so how do we use that command.txt and feed it to the CLI and do some stress/load testing using Multi-Mechanize?

Simple :-

$ multimech-run  stress_project/ command.txt<RETURN>

Woahh So much of output :) It should be doing parallel registrations i.e. parallely many threads should be running and doing sign up and loging out and quiting the program. Once its done. you should see something like :-

analyzing results...

transactions: 18
errors: 0

test start: 2012-03-31 18:18:38
test finish: 2012-03-31 18:18:49

created: ./stress_project//results/results_2012.03.31_18.18.28/results.html

created: ./stress_project//results/results_2012.03.31_18.18.28/results.jtl
created: last_results.jtl


Inside the stress_project/results folder you should see new folders with timestamps of the reports being made. Check for the results.html file and you can see the report being generated. It's not very useful as of now, but hey its just a few days old project :)

Wait for it to be more awesome! :)
