
Report the mean quality score per base from the output of FastQC.

Primary LanguageShell


Report the mean quality score per base from the output of FastQC.

FastQC is used in bioinformatics as a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. qc_summary.sh takes FastQC's output and reports the mean quality score per base.


FastQC creates an HTML file and a ZIP file per sample, for example sample1_fastqc.zip. qc_summary.sh takes the ZIP files, looks for a file named fastqc_data.txt inside, then extracts the information in the section labeled "Per base sequence quality pass":

Per base sequence quality pass
#Base	Mean	Median	Lower Quartile	Upper Quartile	10th Percentile	90th Percentile
1	32.94	34.0	34.0	34.0	32.0	34.0


qc_summary.sh creates a tab-separated value (TSV) file named qc_summary.tsv. Here is an example of its contents:

Base	sample1_1	sample1_2	sample2_1	sample2_2
1	32.94	32.90	33.01	33.25


Prior to running qc_summary.sh, some variables require editing:


For example, let's say our inputs are named like:

  • CB9_KO_b-min_S9_R1_fastqc.zip
  • CB9_KO_b-min_S9_R2_fastqc.zip
  • CB10_KO_b-pos_S10_R1_fastqc.zip
  • CB10_KO_b-pos_S10_R2_fastqc.zip
  • CB11_PA01_a_S11_R1_fastqc.zip
  • CB11_PA01_a_S11_R2_fastqc.zip

In this case, CB is the correct prefix to use.


This ultimately effects the ordering of the samples in the output file. In our example above, we want to sort by the first three characters: CB followed by a number.


  1. Place qc_summary.sh in the same directory as the ZIP files
  2. In a terminal: bash ./qc_summary.sh


  • Bash

Tested On

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • RHEL 6,7

Built With

  • Bash - Programming language


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.